less than 1000 calories

The foods i eat everyday sometimes less than 1000 calories but it's enough for me. I know for women we have to eat at least 1000 calories. But i feel comfortable with my less-than-1000-calories-foods. What to do?


  • brendanathania
    brendanathania Posts: 14 Member
    The foods i eat everyday sometimes less than 1000 calories but it's enough for me. I know for women we have to eat at least 1000 calories. But i feel comfortable with my less-than-1000-calories-foods. What to do?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Stop kidding yourself that 1000 calories is enough?
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Eat more. You cannot hit your macro/micro requirements on such a low intake, and you will experience burnout after a period of time because your body isn't being fueled properly. Bodies like calories to breathe, pump blood, make your heart beat, keep your brain functioning, ect.

    Your deficit is already built in to your calorie goal; there is no need to eat under it. Fit in more calorically dense items into your day if you feel you cannot eat more. This can be done with peanut butter, cooking oils, ect.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Additionally, women should eat at minimum 1,200 per day. Not 1,000 or less, unless you are incredibly short, or have been prescribed a VLCD under doctor supervision and recommendation.
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    Are you logging accurately? 1000 cal is too low.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Well, usually the recommended amount for women is 1200, not 1000. If you're feeling too full to eat more then you can eat more calorie-dense foods (so you're not eating more volume, but still getting more calories), add more condiments to your meals, or just have more chocolate! If you've got 22lbs to lose then you're clearly capable of eating more than 1000 calories a day, so bring back some of the food you used to eat that had more calories. You should definitely try to eat at least 1200 everyday (well, I say that, you haven't included your stats, but chances are you shouldn't be eating less than 1000 a day).

    Having said all that, how sure are you about your calorie intake? Are you estimating or weighing everything you eat?
  • laurenislost
    laurenislost Posts: 28 Member
    humans are notoriously bad at tracking calories, chances are you are more likely eating 1250-1300 which isn't great but you probably could survive on that.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Brenda how much weight do you need to lose?

    Do you use a food scale or do you go by serving sizes, cups, packaging and spoons?
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    If you're going to stay below 1000, at least take a multi vitamin while you're doing it.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member

    Having said all that, how sure are you about your calorie intake? Are you estimating or weighing everything you eat?

    This. If you ARE weighing everything and definitely only eating 1,000 calories a day or less, I recommend seeing a doctor for advice to make sure you are eating all the right elements in the right quantities.

  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    mazdauk wrote: »

    Having said all that, how sure are you about your calorie intake? Are you estimating or weighing everything you eat?

    This. If you ARE weighing everything and definitely only eating 1,000 calories a day or less, I recommend seeing a doctor for advice to make sure you are eating all the right elements in the right quantities.

    Agree. Unless you are weighing all your food, with a digital scale, chances are that you are actually eating more than you think (very common). I have fallen victim to it myself, thinking I have only eaten about 1000 calories, then added it all up honestly and found it was a good 200-300 more.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Have to chime in with others who say that you're probably not logging accurately. I don't suppose you'd open your diary?
  • cornishcakegirl
    cornishcakegirl Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, each vital organ needs a certain amount of calories to function correctly, eating too less calories will not make u lose weight it will just restrict your organs from functioning as they should. If you feel you are full on too low a calorie intake maybe you should replace a drink in your day with a drink like ensure or similar to up the calorie intake without eating the wrong foods, my first thought would be to check through your app settings and to visit your doctor and have a medical "mot", they are the experts and as much as I love this app, your doctors advice is the one you should follow, show him/ her your food logs for a week. But try not to worry, we all have different eating styles.