New friends please? About me....

Hi everyone. I started this 9days ago. I am from the UK. Would love to lose 1 and a bit stone but in general in life I struggle with willpower (hence a weight gain twice that).

Also I have severe ME and am almost completely bedbound.. Standing up and sitting bolt upright are usually out of the question for me so exercise certainly is. And IBS. Just so people might understand better.

Im always up for making new friends anyway so if anyone wants a chat about girly/non Girly stuff/hobbies that would be cool too.

Would be nice if you could send a quick introduction if you do add me.


  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    UK here too :) add me if you like
  • stargirl85
    stargirl85 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! Well done on your weight loss so far!
  • debbienoone1982
    debbienoone1982 Posts: 9 Member

    My name is Debbie. I live in west Bromwich, UK. You can add me if u like.