30 day shred

I just did the level 1 dvd and i have no idea how to tell the caloires burned?? does any one know and im looking for ppl who would like to join me and a few friends in doing this. im sure i will need sum pushing to get me to do it.. add me if u like :)


  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member
    I put it under circuit training (general) I just started it 3 days ago...I love it :smile:
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    I am on Level 2 and I use the circuit training! It really brings on the sweat!
  • jdmattin
    jdmattin Posts: 9
    Did it for the first time on Monday, had to take a break for a few days so sore! Will start day 2 tomorrow.
  • jdmattin
    jdmattin Posts: 9
    Did it for the first time on Monday, had to take a break for a few days so sore! Will start day 2 tomorrow.
  • KaironAndTaviansMommy
    KaironAndTaviansMommy Posts: 68 Member
    Okay, so this is the second time I have heard about the 30 day shred thing in the last 24 hours... What is it exactly?!?!?

  • tarmlin01
    tarmlin01 Posts: 18
    I have that dvd also,,, but haven't started it.... I will join you in your quest... I will add you as a friend....
  • sassy_2280
    sassy_2280 Posts: 66
    I'm on day 3 level 1. I wear my heart rate monitor and burn between 200 - 225.
  • cmoutarimoussa
    cmoutarimoussa Posts: 97 Member
    I love it! I have it on exercise tv thru my cable company..so i only get to see level 1 but its a good work out. I also just used circuit training to track the calories burned!
  • Tarilynn
    Tarilynn Posts: 22 Member
    When I first started mfp I used the circuit training (general) to calculate my calories burned, but I do have New Balance heart rate monitor which shows calories burned and I LOVE it. It offers more accuracy but the general circuit training is really great as well and with the 30 day shred the toning and shape changing are a phenominal bonus!!! Best of luck.:happy: