Embarrassed and shocked

hi I'm Kym. I knew I was getting heavy but when I got on the scales last night after avoiding them for so long I found myself the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I cried and told my husband this is NOT ok. It's not my first time being overweight but definately my worse. I found this app and so my journey starts. I hope I will draw inspiration from you here to help me to my goal and perhaps my experiences along the way will help others.


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Dont panic, go and look at the success section and now you know the score so you cna do soemthing about it by being at a consistent deficit. This time next year you could have lost all or mos of it if you apply yourself.
  • withay2104
    withay2104 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks 999tigger. I will read the success stories and draw from them. I'm in Australia and right now on 12 hr night duty. Are you in oz or USA
  • Wtfkareem
    Wtfkareem Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck on your journey! It's easy with support, you'll lose them before you know it!
  • withay2104
    withay2104 Posts: 10 Member
  • guyburton
    guyburton Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome :) Hopefully this is the first step of many!

    Wishing you the best of luck and success on your journey.. dont stop!
  • withay2104
    withay2104 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you. It great to see so many people willing to give encouragement
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Recognizing the problem is the first step to solving it.

    Go read this:
    That will take you a while, esp. if you follow the links.

    Then this:

    More links to helpful info here.

    You can do this.
    Have a look at hanfordrose's profile & blog. She started older than you, with huge physical restrictions,
    and has lost more than you say you want to lose.

    Remember that you didn't get fat overnight, you're not going to get healthy overnight.
    Make small, sustainable changes. Don't try to change everything big all at once. It's too much.
    Look to the next 5 lb. Anyone can lose 5 lb, right? :grin: Then do it again. And again.

  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    good for you for getting on here and making a start.....don't give up.....take small steps and set realistic goals....feel free to add me....I've been on here since January 2012 and I will be counting calories forever....it's just a part of my life now....this site is great and the people are awesome.....:)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    I think many of us remember that initial shock. I avoided the scale for so long. Eventually I signed up for a training session at the gym and while the first time the trainer said we could just use measurements, the second time I really needed to be weighed. I almost puked before stepping on the scale. And when I saw the number...I felt pretty darn bad too.

    But then I was determined! And this app helped me lose 30 pounds. I'm now smaller than I was in middle school. You can do it! Check out the success forums, read the stickies at the top of the pages to figure out how to accurately log and count calories. Ask questions.
  • corryigo
    corryigo Posts: 35 Member
    You do not have to be great to start, but you have to start to be Great! Welcome aboard
  • withay2104
    withay2104 Posts: 10 Member
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Ditto what everyone else is saying.

    For me logging every bite, everyday while being honest and participating in groups and with my MFP friends is the key as it insures my accountability. I keep my number of friends down to people who are very active and so that I can read their diaries and comment on their successes and journey. I belong to two groups -- both over 60 years old where we have challenges (but not competitions). Look under the Community Groups heading and browse through the groups. I know there are Australian groups and 50+ groups.

    Do some sort of exercise. You don't have to kill yourself. Walking is good enough. Although you will probably find after a while that you want to do more. I went from doing 1/2 mile for 15-20 minutes to now working out everyday for usually at least an hour and more often than not, 1 1/2 hours-2.


  • withay2104
    withay2104 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow that's amazing. I'm not super active I must say but I do work 12 hr shifts as a registered nurse on a very busy ward so I'm always on my feet. I'm still trying to learn this app but I will get there. I'm determined to.