Weight loss help from dr

what type of dr do I need to see for weight loss help? I'm 100% addicted to food and the only thing that helps is medication to help curb my appetite and such until I get back on track with exercise and proper diet... I've done the weight loss clinics but that's too expensive at $80/ month so will a general practitioner prescribe anything to help weight loss?


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    It sounds like youve been prescribed medicine in the past to help curb your appetite? If so, why didnt that work and last for you ? The reason it doesnt work in the long term for most is that medication just helps mask the problem and people dont learn the skills needed for long term success . (Moderation and portion control)
    There are medicines available but most doctors will ask you to weigh everything you consume with a food scale and log it and to do some type of activities during your day anyway so why not just do that and see how it goes ?
    In all, there's no magic pill for weight loss. Nothing will replace hard work. Theres no quick fixes.
  • leilanismommy08
    leilanismommy08 Posts: 2 Member
    It did work wonderfully but unfortunately I couldn't afford the $80 monthly to maintain the pills so I never got to the weight I wanted then went through major depression from some personal issues and now miscarriage so I've been eating way more and have no motivation to do anything... So I need help
  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    edited June 2015
    If you're 100% addicted to food and cannot (either in actuality or in your mind) lose weight without pharmaceutical intervention the best option would be some mental health care. A good therapist will help you get to the root of your addiction and the disordered thinking that leads you to feel you must depend on medication to lose weight.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    It sounds like youve been prescribed medicine in the past to help curb your appetite? If so, why didnt that work and last for you ? The reason it doesnt work in the long term for most is that medication just helps mask the problem and people dont learn the skills needed for long term success . (Moderation and portion control)
    There are medicines available but most doctors will ask you to weigh everything you consume with a food scale and log it and to do some type of activities during your day anyway so why not just do that and see how it goes ?
    In all, there's no magic pill for weight loss. Nothing will replace hard work. Theres no quick fixes.

    This is what you need to understand. Look for soemthing that will work long term. Your relationship and understanding of how weight loss works is not good. You dont have that much to lose and you cna do most of it in a year. Why not join soemthing like overeater anonymous if your relationship with food is that poor. Drugs are only going to mask the real situation.
  • glortard
    glortard Posts: 67 Member
    Best thing to do is to start slowly and log the food you eat. You need to educate yourself with regards to what you are eating. Getting to the point where you regularly eat at a deficit will lead to weight loss.