about goals

My goal is 1330 calories.. is that to lose or to maintain?
I am eating a lot above my sodium goal.. I'm having trouble cutting that down. Eating South Beach makes it harder to follow these goals. It seems like everything is full of sodium. I use cottage cheese some for snack..it has sodium...Turkey products are full of sodium. It seems any reduced food is full of sodium. I do try to up my water intake but barely make 6-8 cups. I eat more protein & less carbs. Cutting calories & losing weight is really a struggle.


  • Forensi
    Forensi Posts: 56 Member
    Depends on your other settings.

    Did you put Lose/Maintain/Gain in your profile?
  • Bamagal36
    Bamagal36 Posts: 33
    I really don't know. I'll see if I can find it to see..
    Just looked.. I put to lose 1 lb a week.
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    While i cant speak for your situation, my doctor told me not to worry about the sodium right now. That i needed to focus on getting the weight off period. I go over my sodium every day & even now as i try to look at ways of cutting it, it seems impossible. But im not going to worry too much about it rightnow, i have enough to focus on. What i will say is if you are over your sodium you definitely have to get your water in! Maybe try drinking 8oz every hour for at least 8 hours straight. Ive found that to be a manageable amount to drink & it takes less than 60 seconds to chug it down. Good luck! :-)