I love pasta !!!

Samy63 Posts: 11 Member
This is hard, I was on weight watchers and did not do very well, in fact " I gained". Oh bit I need help


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    You can still lose weight and eat pasta - you just need to make it fit your calorie goal!

    I saw a great tip the other day - combine spaghetti with zucchini noodles for bulk, so you think you're getting more spaghetti. Lasagne made with half pasta sheets and half vegetable "sheets" (eggplant,zucchini, capsicum etc) is pretty good too.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I like pasta too.
    I make it fit into my daily calorie plan.
    I weigh all solids and measure all liquids. I prepare my pasta sauce from scratch.
    When I started MFP I found out that I was eating almost twice the pasta I thought I was eating, because I was eyeballing the ingredients, instead of using a scale and measuring cups. Live and learn
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    if you weigh out the dry pasta before cooking, you can have it every day! I went through a phase recently where I ate pasta for lunch every single day, with no weight gain. Its the calories, yo. Not the specific foods, that make ya gain.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    edited June 2015
    I eat pasta regularly. A normal serving size, bulked up with a ton of vegetables and chicken breast.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    I love pasta and eat it several times a week. Weigh pasta dry, BEFORE cooking it. I find that a serving size (2oz) is actually quite a bit and enough for me, as long as I add a veggie side too.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I eat pasta regularly. A normal serving size, bulked up with a ton of vegetables and chicken breast.

    Yeah, that's what I have too. Or Tuna instead of Pasta if I'm feeling dangerous. Putting Pesto on Pasta is a decent way of avoiding rich sauces too. Eating Pasta everyday is fine as long as it fits into your calorie/macro goals for the rest of the day. If you think you have to exclude any food your doing it wrong! (medical conditions excluded) :)
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    I love pasta, but have to stay away from it, I end up eating way to much of it, so now what I do is make spaghetti squash or zucchini zoodles (zucchini cut thin to resemble pasta) I even make lasagna now with zucchini instead of lasagna noodles. I really do like it better than pasta and I can eat way more of it. It's not for everyone, but give it a try you just might like it.
    NJCJF Posts: 134 Member
    I love pasta, but have to stay away from it, I end up eating way to much of it, so now what I do is make spaghetti squash or zucchini zoodles (zucchini cut thin to resemble pasta) I even make lasagna now with zucchini instead of lasagna noodles. I really do like it better than pasta and I can eat way more of it. It's not for everyone, but give it a try you just might like it.

    How do you prepare the zucchini noodles? I got a slicer to make the noodles but not sure how to prepare...

  • Samy63
    Samy63 Posts: 11 Member
    Oh these are good tips. last knight I measured the pasta that I was about to eat "my first time", and I had 2 1/2 cups of cooked pasta in my plate, I was surprised it didn't look like a lot to me; I have a lot to learn
  • Samy63
    Samy63 Posts: 11 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    I eat pasta regularly. A normal serving size, bulked up with a ton of vegetables and chicken breast.

    Yeah, that's what I have too. Or Tuna instead of Pasta if I'm feeling dangerous. Putting Pesto on Pasta is a decent way of avoiding rich sauces too. Eating Pasta everyday is fine as long as it fits into your calorie/macro goals for the rest of the day. If you think you have to exclude any food your doing it wrong! (medical conditions excluded) :)

    Bingo!!!!! when I feel that I have to exclude any type of food, I start to to eat more off it. what a mine game.
  • Samy63
    Samy63 Posts: 11 Member
    I love pasta, but have to stay away from it, I end up eating way to much of it, so now what I do is make spaghetti squash or zucchini zoodles (zucchini cut thin to resemble pasta) I even make lasagna now with zucchini instead of lasagna noodles. I really do like it better than pasta and I can eat way more of it. It's not for everyone, but give it a try you just might like it.

    Great idea, do you have the recipe?
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    edited June 2015
    I live in Italy - I eat pasta most days, sometimes twice a day. I've lost 42lbs. o:)

    It's all about not pigging out, and what you have with it. Some days I'll just fry off a couple of fat cloves of garlic in a tablespoon of oil, use that to dress my spaghetti, and then grind a load of black pepper over the top. Some days I'll make a tomato sauce. Sometimes, I'll add cheese. (I don't eat meat.)

    As long as you're sensible (and there's no medical reason to abstain), there's no reason to not eat pasta. Or rice. Or bread. Or gnocchi. Or potatoes. Or anything, really - just make it fit your eating plan.

    I have to say that I loathe zucchine noodles - to me they're just wronger than a wrong thing! Love zucchine but not as a substitute for pasta - you just don't get the same texture or satisfaction (IMO). Each to their own though... but I'd rather have the real thing, just less of it!
  • Samy63
    Samy63 Posts: 11 Member
    I hear you; I think I need to be honest to my self when it comes to what I put in it and how much. This is hard but I have to take the emotion out of the equation . You lost 45 lbs ! Congratulations , I need to lose at least 40 lbsI , but hope that soon I can say " I lost 10 lbs" at least
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    edited June 2015
    Samy63 wrote: »
    I hear you; I think I need to be honest to my self when it comes to what I put in it and how much. This is hard but I have to take the emotion out of the equation .

    Yep, I take a completely logical and scientific approach to my weightloss. That's not to say that there aren't days when go over - usually due to wine! - but as a rule, no, emotion plays no part in what I'm doing. It probably helps that I've never been an emotional eater either, and that in any area of my life, I've always had the attitude of 'if there is a problem, find a solution - don't whine about it'! :smile:
    You lost 45 lbs ! Congratulations , I need to lose at least 40 lbsI , but hope that soon I can say " I lost 10 lbs" at least

    Thank you! I would say it's been hard work but you know what? It's not. Losing weight is easy - getting in the right mindset, and into the habit of being mindful of what you put into your body is the hard part.

    In general, as long as you log accurately, don't go over your limits too often, and essentially spend more calories than you bank, you'll lose weight. Some days you may discover a seeming gain but as long as you've stuck to your plan, it will likely be water retention, hormones, or something - not a true gain. My weight can fluctuate by several pounds from day to day (depending on what I've eaten, how much exercise I've had) but as long as there is an overall downward trend, it doesn't bother me.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want more support, @Samy63 - I'm happy to help. You and I are a similar age... I don't do fluff and platitudes! :wink:
  • Samy63
    Samy63 Posts: 11 Member
    Going to bed late "again", that means I will not get up early for my walk or breakfast like I planned ( in my head) ; hmmm ..... I need to make some serious changes in my life.