Weight-loss Partner

Hello :) I'm currently restarting from scratch and I'm in need of a weigh-loss partner who would monitor me and keep me accountable. We'll both monitor each other's diet and weight and occasionally share some progress pictures. I weigh 110.9 KG (244.5 lb) and I want to reach 57 kg (125.66 lb). People with similar weight-loss goals are preferred. Thank you and I wish you all good effort on your journeys!


  • ariannejurca
    ariannejurca Posts: 1 Member
    Currently 200 lbs goal is 150lbs which would be very healthy for my height. Add me.
  • Ls_505
    Ls_505 Posts: 14 Member
    253lbs and my goal is to be at 150. I just got back on MFP a week ago and do plan on staying. It would be great to have someone to help me stay on track. Add me =)
  • BeaulahVee
    BeaulahVee Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you my current weight is 110.5kg. I'm putting on weight more instead of loosing it. My goal is 73kgs. I'm looking for similar pal for support and encouragement. I'm not very good at calorie count but please add me
  • jkrause9005
    jkrause9005 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been working on my weight loss since October 8, 2014. I started at 230 lbs, lost 18 pounds by New Year when I started on MFP. I've lost another 41 pounds since that time for a total of 59 pounds. My current goal is 150 so I've got a little more than 20 pounds to go. It's not been a fast process, but consistently moving in the right direction. I am happy to offer support and encouragement and would love to receive it too. Please add me.
  • simply_bubbz
    simply_bubbz Posts: 245 Member
    I'm kinda around you guys! I'm 234 goal weight is 165...height 5'5...let's motivate each other!
  • Modern_athena
    Modern_athena Posts: 81 Member
    I added you both :) We'll keep in touch.