Looking forward to better living!

tamannaantil753 Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I just joined MyFitnessPal. Although I am 17+ my weight increased 12 kg in past 2 years. Because I did nothing but study, eat, sleep! It was a daily routine and slowly things started to change. Everyone around me from family to friends started to notice my growing weight at first I ignored them and waved it off, saying "It doesn't bother me" but as time flew by I realised that none of my clothes fit me now. Then it hit me. But it was too late. The fat has made its way starting from my hips to my thighs then to my belly and finally on my face. Soon enough I noticed that it is not just my no exercise routine but also the way and the thigs I eat. As I had to study for late hours, I took it as an excuse to eat all the junk stored up in the kitchen. Even when I was not hungry, it became a habit to search for the "new chocolate chip cookies mom brought from grocery shop" and the urge to eat them wouldn't stop until I actually dumped them into my stomach. Now I weight 77 kgs with a height of 5.9 feet. It is not really noticeable when I wear loose clothes but my hips a ginormous and my thighs flabby , my face looks fat and because of that my eyes look small. In short I don't feel comfortable in my own body. It's not like I hate myself but I want to be more fit. I joined gym too and I really enjoyed doing it but I had to stop after a couple weeks because some problem arose in the staff or something. And look at my luck! It was just after I started loosing some weight and had sucessfully lost 1 kg in short period of time. Now my exams are again started and I can't devote a good amount of time on exercise or do any vigorous activity because I fear that will lead me to sleep. But I really want to loose some weight before college starts by the end of this August!
- Desperate


  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    I am also a college student, so I understand how frustrating it can be to have no time. I work full-time, go to school, am a volunteer firefighter ... so my plate is full, but believe me, exercise will not lead you to sleep. If that's the case you are doing the wrong exercises. I have to be careful when I exercise because I will be up for at least 3-4 hours afterwards, and working a third shift job, not easy. You also don't need a gym to exercise, though i'm sorry you can no longer go there. And in all reality you don't need to do any physical activity to lose weight. It is all about calories in verse calories out. You just have to eat within your calorie deficit to lose weight. If you really want to lose weight, nothing and I mean nothing will stop you. A bad day, great you got this, a bad weigh-in, it's fine you know you can do it. Keep your head up!
  • JVerryt
    JVerryt Posts: 5 Member

    Im also at uni fill-time and work so i now how you feel, i spend many hours studying and eating junk food and my weight has just increased over the time i have been at uni. Exercising really makes me tired too lol i just wanna sleep after and that cuts into the time i should be studying. I think just slowing increasing your exercise may not make you as tired. Making some small changes with diet and exercise that you can keep and sticking to them even in the hard parts of the semester like exams has helped me so far. Good luck and keep going :)
  • tamannaantil753
    tamannaantil753 Posts: 2 Member
    @firecutie18 and @JVerryt thanks both of u for support and help! It was really nice. :)
  • JVerryt
    JVerryt Posts: 5 Member
    your welcome.