Not lost for two weeks and a bit fed up!!!

vickychristie Posts: 32 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there everyone, I joined three weeks ago, definately lost the first weeks but dont know how much as I didnt have scales when I started, I have scales now and not lost a thing for two weeks.

I am following 1200 calories a day plus about 400 for exercise as I do a class at the gym everyday.

I absolutely love this , follow it to the letter, no cheat days, given up wine, takeaway and very happy to as I feel that I am completely in control of my food intake and really happy about that., I have even been eating breakfast and drinking water which was one of my downfalls before.

But seriously! no loss for two weeks!!!!! I didnt do measurements maybe I should. Am trying not to get demotivated and carrying on but I am feeling a slight bit fed up today, especially as I told my friends all about this - she is doing it too and has lost 2.5 pounds last couple of weeks (and she has had takeaway)

I have been exactly the same weight for a whole year, I did lose 25 lb early 2010 (with slimming world) and then it stopped.

and now I am here loving it and not losing!!! Any ideas?


  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    I hear ya, girl! I hate when the scale doesn't budge! Try taking out the good ol' measuring tape when the scale doesn't to play nice...this way you feel more motivated to carry on your weight loss journey! :)
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    You're doing fine, don't stress the 2 weeks and no loss, it does happen, I've haven't 'lost' for 3 weeks now, or so the scales tell me.
    You are eating back some of your exercise calories aren't you?
    I would definitely recommend the measurements because the scales say no loss but I am now 1 dress size smaller and my measurements show it.
    In regards to you friends weight loss...well done to her; but you and your body are different.
    Keep going it'll happen and welcome :happy:
  • miss_dreamer
    miss_dreamer Posts: 50 Member
    I'm not an expert by any means but i was just wondering, are you eating back your exercise calories? If you are on a 1200 cal/day diet and then burning off 400, you are technically putting your body into starvation mode. The average person needs a minimum of 1200 calories a day, that could be the issue. In which case just eat back most of your exercise calories and your body should move out of starvation mode. (if that is the issue of course).
  • vickychristie
    vickychristie Posts: 32 Member
    thanks for your replies - yeah i have been eating I suppose about 1600 with exercise, I find that plenty, but when I dont exercise 1200 is sort of harder. I have wondered about this zig zag thing that people talk about,

    Im not giving up!!!!!!!! will do some measurements today..
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