New to this Site

I just joined this site and wanted to introduce my self. I'm Kimber and I Live in Guelph, ON


  • losttrucker68
    losttrucker68 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi kimber :)
  • Viredic
    Viredic Posts: 25 Member
    Ha! I've been there a few times back in the 1990s. I worked for a robotics firm that put some systems in at the Imperial plant. Anyways...welcome to MFP!
  • LilMissKimber
    LilMissKimber Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. really having a hard time recording my food and exercise for some reason. I keep track on paper what I'm eating and walking the dog, but don't go on the computer very much and have no idea how to calculate calories burnt with my exercise dvd's