What are you greatful for?

I read in a magazine that studies undertaken at universities in Miami and California have found that practising gratitude can help us feel more optimistic.

So, what are you grateful for?

I am grateful for.....
The support I get from my OH. When I am struggling, I can always count on him to help me get back on track.


  • reefmantis
    reefmantis Posts: 2 Member
    I was at a point about 2 years ago where my wife and i were doing this daily. Usually before bed and three things from that day. I agree it is really useful and helpful. we still do this on occasion when one of us is in a funk.

    grateful for my health, and the support of my family
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I am greatful for the strength I have found in myself to make life changes.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am grateful to have a job that pays the bills, having a home that is not run down and deteriorating, having heat in the winter and AC in the summer, enough to eat and the ability to care for my pets. I am grateful for my amazing, wonderful, beautiful mare who patiently waits for my visits and most of all for wonderful friends that have been added to my life over the years.