Black Coffee?

When I'm filling in my diary I don't add my coffees in - about 6-10 cups a day (probably not great, I know). I don't have milk or sugar, so I've always assumed it has no real nutritional value, or not enough to include it in my diary anyway.

Should I be including it in my diary? Does it have anything in it to warrant it?



  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,024 Member
    If you track potassium, and you use an entry that includes the potassium value, you'll find that that much coffee makes a substantial contribution to your meeting your daily potassium needs.

    Other than that, I think 10 cups of black coffee is about 20 calories and maybe 4 or 5 grams of proteins (but you have to log it all as one entry, or at least two cups per entry, otherwise the the protein disappears due to rounding -- less than half a gram per cup).
  • Brigante37
    Brigante37 Posts: 11 Member
    Very interesting, thank you. I didn't even know about it containing potassium before.