mom of toddler with a lot to lose! anyone in the same boat?

tbway Posts: 4 Member
Hi everyone!

I'm Tabatha. Happily married 26 yr old mom of one from south ga. I've been on mfp for about two weeks and have lost right under 8 lbs so far. My goal is to lose 100-125. My starting weight was exactly 300lb. Ouch. That hurts. Mentally, emotionally, and esp physically.. Esp when you have a 23 mo old that has energy for days. I'm not trying tyo be 120lbs... In highschool I was 145 and looked too thin IMO. I was happiest with my body around 175, so I'd like to be somewhere around there. Us southern folks like a little meat on the bone. ;) we are also looking forward with to having another baby, but I would like to lose at least 50lbs first. If you can relate, please friend me! I'd love to follow some other ladies in the same boat. :)


  • Dustinsteven22
    Dustinsteven22 Posts: 280 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story! You can do this! Be consistent and stick to the 3 keys of fitness: Nutrition, Exercise, and Support. Feel free to add me.
  • Xanna89
    Xanna89 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey!! I'm new here. I have a 2 month old and a 17 month old. My goal is 175 too! I'm currently 233.
  • ariannasmommy331
    ariannasmommy331 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there new here mom of a 3month old two 3 year olds and a 4 year old starting out at 306 would love to be down to 180
  • amandapalmieri
    amandapalmieri Posts: 29 Member
    I'll be adding yall! I have a 18 month old and a 3 year old.
  • jewlz1977
    jewlz1977 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, I'm 38, mum to twin 13yr old girls and 21 month old girl. Current weight 244lbs. Getting married next year and really wanna loose the weight to feel good in a dress. X
  • dalaganrosemary
    dalaganrosemary Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys! Im on this boat too, I have a 2 years old daughter. Im hoping to lose about 22 pounds cause insecurity struck me. :(
  • dalaganrosemary
    dalaganrosemary Posts: 3 Member
    current weight is 143lbs and desiring to lose about 22-43 lbs.
  • star8278
    star8278 Posts: 1 Member
    I sent friend request. I started at 300 lbs in April. I can very much relate to your struggle. I am down 17 lbs so far and amazed at the increase in energy and just the desire to be moving and doing something all the time now. You can do this!!!! Eat less, move more. That is my simple strategy and MFP is perfect for tracking both. Good luck to you and thank you for sharing your story.
  • cathy2083
    cathy2083 Posts: 1 Member
    You can do this! I have an active almost 19 month old! Have lost 25 pounds so far! Feeling so much better!!
  • nilklynn
    nilklynn Posts: 61 Member
    Hey there, I'm a northerner, but I'm with you! I have a 2.5 yo and a 14 mo. I've been using mfp for a couple months. I too have a LONG way to go (like 140lbs) Was down 43. Had a bad (sick and stressed) week and I gained 8!!! Just came in from a walk and I'm determined to turn this around! Best of luck and feel free to add!
  • kj2703
    kj2703 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for pals in the same boat as me. I'm 31 yrs old and have a 4 year old and twins who just turned 2. Theyre all boys and have energy for days! I'm at 290lb right now and want to lose 100lb to start with. Once I'm down to 190 I'll reevaluate but a hundred is daunting enough just now!
    If this sounds a bit like you please add me as I'd love to encourage and support you guys along the way x