Phentermine support



  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 348 Member
    I was on phentermine/fenfleurimine (phen/fen) and had lots of success. I lost 50 lb and kept it off for 5 years on that wonder drug. I was pissed when they pulled it off the market because a few people took too much of it and used it incorrectly. I have had moderate success with welbutrin but the beauty of fen/phen was that I didn't obsess about food all the time. It changed the way I thought about food. That was the real beauty of the drug. It wasn't an appetite suppressant per se. My feeling all along was that the billion dollar diet industry was threatened by the success of the drug and worked to destroy the market.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    The problem with phen/fen was the fen. Fenflurimine and dexfenflurimine caused heart valve problems.

    Phentermine is still available.

    I was on Redux (Dexfenflurimine) and I agree - it was fantastic. It completely killed appetite for me. I knew it was time to eat when I got light headed.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Appetite will come back and it is up to you what you eat. Are you going to reach for carbs? Or sugar? Develop a clean eating habit. When you are hungry, grab a boiled egg for protein or make yourself a clean smoothie.

    Diet composition has virtually no impact on body composition.

    I don't put much stock in the "clean" food idea. A carbohydrate is no cleaner than protein. An apple is not unclean, despite containing both sugar and other carbohydrates.

    However, proteins can help with satiety.
  • stephxfit
    stephxfit Posts: 30 Member
    This thread is very entertaining.

    Reminds me of the woman from Requiem for a Dream. I was young when I watched it and seriously just now realized she was probably on phentermine or something similar.

    Sounds like it helped some people and made some people miserable. Just be careful, everyone. We don't want you to end up strung out or worse <3

    What's with all of the rude comments? If you're seriously concerned with someone's well being then why would you get so defensive? *shrugs*

    Peace ✌
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I'm sure those are taking this and losing so much weight and then gaining back is because of poor eating habits. I cannot stress enough that this is not a miracle pill. You HAVE to learn how to eat.

    You will probably have to continue to stress it. I said the same thing a couple time at the beginning of the thread. :)
  • prettyleelee
    prettyleelee Posts: 236 Member
    I started taking Adipex 3 weeks ago and am happy my doctor prescribed it to me. This should not be used as a magic pill and really if it was a magic pill its not that magical to me. I have been on it for three weeks and am down 12lbs so that's 4 lbs a week. However I have been able to go to the gym 3-4 times a week and I can almost run an entire mile without stopping. I track everything that I put into my body no matter how small it is. I am using this pill to help me learn and stick to a new lifestyle not a magic pill. I even decided that I will go a few days without the pill to make sure I can still keep my lifestyle changes stay.

    I look at this medication like any other meds, they all have side effect all of them. Everyone's body is going to react to those meds differently. Do not down those who do not have the same bad side effects that you have had. There is a reason god has made us all different.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Like I mentioned in another thread on this subject

    I used to be 135lbs in shape, doing sports and weights, then when i graduated high school in 2000 I quit my habit of smoking and replaced it with junk and fast food and being lazy. 200lbs gained, sure at one point i lost 156 that was to meds to boost me along with some of it. Now after all this time, back at it, 85 down with 115 to go, make your choice a wise one. Starting from almost square 0 SUCKS ! I don't wish anyone to be back at the starting line like I had to do, I kick myself but i can't change it, I can just press forward and do what i need to do now to keep this life time change.

    I experienced super $#$KJ# attitude, high blood pressure. Still fighting to bring my blood pressure down almost 5 years later. Weight was gained back. dry mouth. Ive heard people out there that have had it worse, think before you pop. It's pretty much a form of speed once you stop talking it your body slows down, I know from experience reason I gained most of my first loss back.

    Here is to being healthy the old fashioned way!
  • jesikalovesyou
    jesikalovesyou Posts: 172 Member
    I believe Phentermine gets a bad rap. It's not for everyone much like any prescription drug, it works for some people and some have bad experiences. Does it make you "speed"? For some it does, others may have a different reaction. My wife for example tried it once and declared it to be a better sleep aid than Zzquil. I feel like it has a place for those who have exceedingly high body fat levels. I also recognize that it is not a long term solution and does lose its potency after so long. I do not believe in the mentality that some have about it being "the easy way out". The only way to lose weight is to expend more calories than you take in. By no means is it the easy way out if you're putting in the work at the gym, on the road or at home. Phentermine, when used correctly to develop healthy eating habits can be a valuable tool when starting. Just remember, when you stop taking it and the medicine is out of your system, you will have only eating and exercise habits to rely on; good or bad.

  • daddjmo
    daddjmo Posts: 8 Member
    Today is my third day of taking phentermine. So far the only side effect is maybe a little dry mouth, but maybe I'm just thirsty. I've enjoyed this thread so I wanted to join the conversation. I'll be happy to share my experience with the drug.
  • ForMe2No
    ForMe2No Posts: 235 Member
    I took phen/fen in the late 90s and lost over 50lbs in less than 5 months. I was also walking 5 miles a day but I wasn't really watching my diet and when they took it off the market. I gained all the weight back plus more. I've also taken redux years ago. Same thing stop taking it and gain the weight back. Currently, I'm 66 days in and down 24.5lbs just exercising 6 days a week and watching what I eat. I haven't given up any foods, I've just added some healthier ones like lots of vegetables, modified some other foods and drink plenty of water. I feel much better this time and I feel like I'm doing something I can sustain.
  • xoSabrinaReneexo
    xoSabrinaReneexo Posts: 1 Member
    I work for a family practice physician. He refused to prescribe any type of diet medication due to the fact that they are highly addictive. The ingredients basically add up to be the same as Adderall. He always recommends diet and exercise before trying any type of diet medications, including over the counters, as they mainly give you tachycardia. Definitely recommend the old fashion way of diet and exercise, there is no magic pill out there, even though we all wish there was. But there is nothing better than working hard towards a goal and actually being able to say "I did this when I and everyone else thought I wouldn't be able to." Stay strong, this is a long, hard journey but one that is so worth it in the end :smiley:
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