From obese to triathlete

Seigla Posts: 172 Member
I always was a lover of (doing) sports, and (dare I say) I was a good at it until my early student years. As a student I gradually gained weight during the years; I never learned to become aware of what I eat, probably because I burned massive amounts. I got in a depression and exercised less and less. I picked up smoking. I went from 76 kg when I was 18 to about 95 kg when I was 25 (I am 186 cm long). Two years ago I stopped smoking and I gained more, becoming 106 kg when I was 26. I felt miserable; moving was hard, I had problems with my joints and a lot of people were commenting on my looks.

It was then that I rediscovered how important exercising and being fit is to me. I started walking every day; to university, to the supermarket, random walks in nature, etc. I learned about CICO and started improving my diet. After losing some I started running again. When this was routine for me, I started swimming, and later started cycling. I love all of these sports, so I decided to do a triathlon.

My first triathlon was last september, and olympic distance. I finished in 2h 33m, about the middle of the pack. It was awesome to be able to do this. I knew that I had attained my goal of becoming as fit as I was. I was around 88 kg around this time. As I mentioned, I used to weigh 76 when I was 18, and while I realized that this was not attainable (due to increased muscle mass), I decided that if I lose some more that I become even fitter, thus able to become the fittest me!

So now I find myself doing a handful of triathlons this year. I just did my 3rd and I was 25th out of 136 people. I am 84 kg, losing my final 4-5 kg and also doing everything else I can to become stronger & faster.

I feel much more potential, making me feel confident that I am able to continue this trend so that I can finish in the 90-95th percentile, something I never expected 2 years back. I might even win some races.

Losing weight (+ quitting smoking & all other lifestyle changes I made to improve my health) has improved my life so much. It's not only that I love doing triathlons now, but I also love just being able to move so much easier, to look much younger and feel more in control of my life.

This forum has helped me from the start, from when I was quitting smoking until now. I learned so much from you and I got so much support. Thx a lot for that, I hope to stay around to finish my journey, to continue learning & to give something back to the community!


  • NextPage
    NextPage Posts: 609 Member
    Congratulations on all your accomplishments. The fact that you really love the sports you are participating in will serve you well.
  • ms_maruska
    ms_maruska Posts: 119 Member
    Congratulations! :)
  • Seigla
    Seigla Posts: 172 Member

    Indeed, NextPage, it helps me a lot! It's easy to motivate myself to go and train, I love it so much, the real challenge is not to spend too much time training! ;)

    Because of this I burn between 3k and 4k calories per day on average.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Wow, congratulations!

    Ps would like to see pics!
  • slees21
    slees21 Posts: 44 Member
    Wow. That is so cool. Good for you. I run and ride, but don't swim much. Sounds fun though. You may have inspired me to sign up for a trip. Maybe at the end of summer.
  • Seigla
    Seigla Posts: 172 Member
    @CJisinShape - Thanks! Well, I was a fanatic avoider of photographers for the brief time when I was around 106 kg, but I will see what I can do; two friends of my married around that time, a photographer may have shot me there. I wasn't keen on getting those images before, but now that you ask me I am also a bit curious myself how much has changed since then.

    @slees21 - Thank you and awesome that you heard the call to adventure! Where will your trip go? :)
  • Dazellyn
    Dazellyn Posts: 45 Member
    Most excellent!
  • AChildAtHeart
    AChildAtHeart Posts: 22 Member
    Wow, go you! Very impressive.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member

    It's addictive isn't it?
  • mericose
    mericose Posts: 70 Member
    Congrats and thanks for sharing!
  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
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