hair today gone tomorrow

HI I am new to the site but have been following a low calorie diet for months, and have lost about 50 pounds. I have followed a twelve hundred calories a day plan and I run 3k most days.

Recently I have notice my hair is going thin and I am losing more and more every day. I am wondering if this could be links to the weight loss/diet.

anyone heard of this before - I have also begun to suffer some very bad mouth ulcers and dont usually go a week before the next ones appear! do you think this is linked


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    If you're eating only 1200 calories per day and you're running 3 k every day, then you're not eating enough. You're likely undernourished and that's what's causing the hair loss. When you're running that much, you need to eat more so your body has enough fuel to function. Try eating more, and maybe running a bit less, until you find a good balance.
  • jk051861
    jk051861 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't know if it is linked, but I'd see a doctor at least about the mouth ulcers.
  • kjb0976
    kjb0976 Posts: 68
    When I lost weight quickly, my hair fell out too. For about 6 months, I would get a wad of hair when I brushed, washed, etc. Are you taking vitamins? Also try using Nioxin, it is a shampoo/conditioner that stimulates hair growth. It really works!!

    It will probably continue until your body is used to current calorie intake or calorie intake is increased. Good luck!
  • shantaraw
    shantaraw Posts: 12 Member
    Yeah, I think you might be going to low on your calories, especially since you are burning so many off with the running. You might want to try eating your workout calories or the zig zag approach where you have a couple of high calorie days in the weak. The variance will help spike your metabolism and keeps your body guessing. You might even lose more weight with the zig zagging. A lot of people on hear eat back their workout calories and still lose, the zig zagging works best for me though.

    Hope this helps,
    Shantara :)
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Sounds like you are undernourished. Your body typically needs 1200 NET calories a day (1500 for men). So if you are exercising you need to be eating more that 1200 cals.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Lack of protien will cause hair to fall out. I went through it for about 4 months. It was so bad I would have to clean the drain daily after I took a shower. If I did not, with in three days we would have a nasty clog. I could just run my hand through my hair and end up with a noticeable amount. I had to keep a lint brush in the car to keep the hair of my clothes. I increased my protien intake and now, I am back to normal hair loss.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Low calorie intake, low protein and rapid weight loss will cause these problems. Make sure you are getting enough nutrients. Also check out a supplement called biotin to help with your hair growth. But just know you have to re-evaluate your eating habits in order to see the positive results.
  • formy5
    formy5 Posts: 3
    hi, all thanks for your comments, I am lactose intolerant and also dont eat much protein so I guess this may contribute. I will definately increase protein. I take a vitamin meant for vegans to try and make up for lack of dairy products.

    I feel better for losing weight but these mouth ulcers are really hard to cope with as they last for weeks, I have seen the doctor but they just said that some people are prone to them