30 days strong!

I have gained about 40 pounds over the last 4 years all due to poor eating habits. Went to the Dr. And she bluntly said you need to lose weight or you will end up getting diabetes, high blood pressure etc. finally registered in my head as i tried on my bathing suit. Next day i started my diet n exercise program im 30 days in and have lost 24 pounds. I defriended carbs and introduced myself to more protein fruits n veggies and gym! Success. Motivation, and dedication


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Nice work! That is totally my formula too...protein, fruits, veggies and moving more...it works! congratulations on a great first month!
  • rainaasinqueen
    rainaasinqueen Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you!!!! Super hard but well worth it. I hope your doing great as well!