Discouraged :(

Does anybody else feel really discouraged and crappy when the weathers bad? If it's sunny out, which it should be since its June (UK weather) I feel more motivated and can take my daughter for long walks in her pushchair, and burn cals doing so. But it's been really rainy the past few days and I've fallen off the wagon, literally just sat indoors watching TV and eating junk.

I'm putting that behind me today and I'm eating clean again but I feel so bad about the last few days :(

Anyone have any suggestions about what I can do to prevent this in the future? I don't normally keep junk in the house but
I went out and bought it when I was craving it so ashamed


  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Well the best thing you can do it just get back on it make today a new day. As for not being able to get outside to walk- I hear you on that one. I love to ride my bike and in the winter I have to go ride a stationary bike at the gym which is not nearly as much fun. If childcare is an issue or if you can't join a gym are there other places indoors in the community you can walk? Here we have mall walkers and people walk those in the bad weather for exercise. I also live in a small community with no mall and our school is open for walkers after school hours (it's a large complex). Other ideas are just at home workouts on youtube or videos if you can (maybe during your daughter's nap time - I assume she is an infant?).
  • Fitfornowt
    Fitfornowt Posts: 24 Member
    Take an umbrella (and a pushchair cover); walking in the rain is nicer than you might think!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Om in the UK and suns out today, just find soem indoor ativity if it rains and you dont like it. Keep in mind as we are going into the good weather then iyoy have it to look forward to. yes it makes exercising and being outside especially much nicer.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    It's rubbish but if you get yourself out and do it you will feel so much better!
    I went for a walk around the coast yesterday evening in howling wind and rain but felt I'd achieved something afterwards. It is totally worth it! :)
  • curvybikergal2015
    curvybikergal2015 Posts: 17 Member
    I also have a young daughter. I got a treadmill for those rainy days. Plus, put the music channels on and dance with your daughter in your arms. She will love it. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i love going out in the rain (just not a downpour). it cools me off especially if I've been running. otherwise, everything gets all nice and glisten. the haze/fog that sometimes comes is nice too
  • YummyMummyXox
    YummyMummyXox Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone, yeah she's still a baby so don't like having her out in the cold for too long. I do the music channel dancing with her sometimes, she loves it lol :D. We don't have walking groups for shopping centres here but they sound fab :)