Ugh... I feel like $#&!. I need some serious motivation and

So much has happened in the last few months between 2 family members being hospitalized (now one doing chemo and then my grandfather being moved to an assisted living facility). My husband almost got laid off, but thankfully didn't. Yet he still started a new job this week, so that's been a new and big adjustment. My toddler was sick with Roseola for a week. And last week I had a miscarriage. :( I'm exhausted and most of the time all I want to do is stress eat and continue to feel crappy. My son has been sleeping terribly at night and barely taking naps, so by the time he does nap, all I want to do it SIT and relax and maybe catch up on sleep myself. I'm too damn exhausted to go to the gym in the morning because I barely slept all night long, nearly waking up every hour and comforting/nursing my toddler. I'm too damn exhausted to go to the gym at night after my husband gets home from work because I've already put in nearly 12 hours of entertaining and taking care of my toddler (and it's nice to just hang out and relax with my husband since I didn't see him all day). Hubby's new job doesn't have him home early enough in the evenings anymore to help me take care of our kiddo's dinner, bath, and bedtime, so that's tiring. I tried taking my kiddo to the Kids Club and 24 Hour Fitness yesterday (leaving him with a stranger for the first time EVER), and it was a DISASTER. He was crying when I went to check on him and they didn't even page me! My favorite way to workout is do yoga, but the few studios that offer childcare while I do yoga are way down south and super far from where I live. Otherwise, there isn't a class early enough to go to before hubby goes to work, and there isn't one late enough to go to after I put my kiddo to bed (because for 19-months, I'm the ONLY one who can get him to nap and to sleep at night, so it's all on me). I don't have any family members or available friends who can watch my kiddo while I workout, and like I said, I too need a few minutes to relax everyday, and while he naps sometimes that's my only opportunity. I'm still super crushed about the miscarriage (and at my doctor appointment they weighed me in at 140, confirming that I've gained a few pounds in the last few months) so that's had me down and unmotivated to do anything productive (especially with my health and body). But I'm tired of feeling pudgy, and not sexy, and my pants being too tight, and feeling crappy in even a tankini bathing suit. I just feel awful and am having a terrible time turning things around!! Speaking of which, my son who woke up at 4:30am today, went down for a crazy early nap an hour ago and is starting to wake up, which means he won't nap anymore today because he always refuses a second nap, which means he'll be mega cranky until bedtime. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................


  • sunflowermom2
    Great job venting. This too will all pass. It is hard to take care of a toddler at times and deal with the emotional roller-coaster of a miscarriage. I have had 8 miscarriages and have a now 4 year old and 14 year old kid. Just don't cave into the eating we are here to help. As for your exercise why not put the toddler in the stroller and go for a walk. It is relaxing and the scenery will help calm the toddler. You could walk to the farthest park you can stand to walk to and he can play and then you can walk home. This is what I do al the time. you could pick a different park every week to go try out. It will be fun plus it gets you away from all the food temptations in the house. Good luck!
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Oh honey! You win the "life sucks" award! I am soo sorry you are going through all this. Sounds like you are giving so much you have nothing left for yourself. I hope you find some time to heal. You have suffered a horrible loss.
    I am not going through anything you are, but know what it is like to be all alone in child care and being responsible for almost everything. My hubby works crazy hours, so I am on my own.
    I really think you need to concentrate on healing right now and the weight stuff/health will come. Friend me if you want, I would love to support you.
  • nfanning3
    nfanning3 Posts: 23 Member
    i cant say i totally understand everything you have spoken of, but i can pick out a few common threads. i am sorry for all your troubles and will keep you in my thoughts! i am a compulsive worrier and i take on others's burdens, as well. my biggest character flaw, for sure. its easy to get bogged down and feel like you are alone. perhaps reaching out to your husband in this time could help you both. he must feel terrible about the job situation, your family, and your son and miscarriage. any small thing he can do to help may get his mind off things and help your burdens, as well. its never good to be the only one who can do things for a child. try to incorporate a team effort to bedtime, if you can...maybe it will turn into a thing he can help with. we have 3 boys and, though they are each different, it does us both good to divide those responsibilities. with so much going on in your life, a wedge between you guys can quickly form and your son is a bond that you can always return to. 3 high risk pregnancies and c-sections later, i am not the person i use to be...but i hope to take my body back. find something you love to help you! the first couple times at a new place are rough, maybe you can be sure they know to call you if he cries more than 5-10 minutes, but dont give up..he needs the time to play and spread his wings, too. i have heard great things about dance games and sports on the wii and kinex through xbox...your son may find this fun too! i live in tuscaloosa and have lived in a town with jobs and lives ripped to pieces and the guilt over what i have mixed with the grief i feel has been crippling. it can be so hard to get going and be positive and feel like you deserve it...but your son needs you to be the awesome person you are! you have made it through so much and this speaks to me. even though i dont know you, i know that you are a strong and caring person who lives for your family, they will be lost without your support energy. you can do this!
  • MamaToMax
    MamaToMax Posts: 7
    Thanks y'all. Your support means a lot! I try to do walks every single day with my kiddo, since it is one of the only ways I can keep him happy/entertained while also getting in a little workout. I think I'll give 24 Hour Fitness another try soon... hopefully my kiddo can adapt. And hopefully this will all become easier the older he gets. And my hubby really is wonderful, and always offers to do anything he can to help... It's just hard since he HAS to be at work all day long. Neither of us can help that... So I may try making an early morning gym workout happen, and let him take care of our kiddo during that time... I just need to become a morning person... ;-) I guess I just have to keep trying to do what I can, and try to make smart food choices (I really do eat great, high quality, and nutritional food, BUT when I'm stressed I lovvvvve sweets). I just want to be skinny again and just FEEL great! And y'all are right... I do need to take care of myself if I want to be able to take care of everyone else, too. Thanks for letting me vent and offering your support. This is going to be tough, but I've done it before. I just hope I can be strong-willed enough to keep it up! And I HOPE all of these crazy life events SLOW DOWN so I can finally focus on getting and staying healthy! I always start out strong and things go really well with my health and fitness, and then something stressful happens! Let's hope the second half of 2011 is slightly less eventful... :)