Lunch salads?? After some variety suggestions

I get bored of eating the same thing every day, so after some suggestions on different salads. ATM I take a sandwich to work, but wanting to throw in a salad a couple of times a week to stop myself getting bored. Needs to be something that wont go soggy before lunch at work.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I get bored of eating the same thing every day, so after some suggestions on different salads. ATM I take a sandwich to work, but wanting to throw in a salad a couple of times a week to stop myself getting bored. Needs to be something that wont go soggy before lunch at work.

    Do you have a fridge / microwave?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If we assume a fridge

    I like Salad Nicoise - so lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, peppers, spring onions, capers, black olives, cooked green beans, egg, anchovies and freshly seared tuna with olive oil and balsamic

    I used to chop up a big salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, spring onions, peppers .. and leave in my home fridge and then just scoop some out each morning .. add the olives / capers and dressing and any kind of protein .. cottage cheese, tuna, steak, leftover chicken (spicy chicken particularly), steak strips etc

    If we assume a microwave anything you can cook you can reheat .. I do lots of rice and stews / risottos / lentil samba, noodle and veg etc
  • pixelatedsun
    pixelatedsun Posts: 165 Member
    edited June 2015
    I usually take a sandwich, fruit, and a serving of a "chip" - veggie sticks, cheddar bunnies, etc.

    Sometimes I take leftovers from dinner - if you are interested in variety, maybe overcook dinner and have some leftovers for yourself for the next day's lunch?
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Pack each item separately or check out pinterest for some mason jar salad ideas.

    I love strawberry chicken salad. Lettuce, strawberries, blueberries, sometimes pineapple, chicken and a light dressing. Again, everything packed separately.

    I make this stuff called redneck caviar. Check it out online, it's delish and really light with lettuce and chicken. I rarely even use dressing with that one since the caviar is made with Italian.

    Lettuce, leftover taco meat, salsa (add beans, cheese, whatever)

    I'll add in any leftover veggies to just a regular salad. Things like green beans, carrots and onion, whatever you like.

    Feel free to browse my diary. It might give you a few suggestions.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited June 2015
    I like salad made with spring mix, dried cranberries or cherries, walnuts, and a bit of goat cheese. A dressing that is slightly sweet usually goes well with that. I would put the dressing on right before eating so it doesn't go soggy.

    I also like broccoli slaw, dried cranberries, walnuts, bacon bits, sunflower seeds, and a sweet and sour dressing. That one tastes better if the dressing is allowed to sit a bit so you can mix it up ahead of time.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Spinach with strawberries (or blueberries/mandarin orange), onion, cucumber & feta with raspberry vinaigrette.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I love salads. A couple times a month I grill up a bunch of chicken breast. Then I portion it out into zip-lock bags. They get stored in the freezer. I'm lucky enough to keep bottled dressing in the fridge at work. If you don't have this option look for the smallest Rubbermaid containers. I think the smallest is like 1/4 cup. The also sell "salad bowls" that come with a bowl (snap on lid) and a dressing container that snaps into the lid. Google "salad in a jar" recipes.

    Cesar : romaine, carrots, croutons, parmesan, chicken. Kraft Light Cesar

    Spinach- Strawberry: spinach, walnuts, strawberries, chicken. Some sort of berry vinaigrette.

    Asian: romaine, snap peas, mandarin oranges, chicken, chow mien noodles. Newman's Sesame Ginger

    Harvest - romaine, apple chunks, craisins, chicken, feta. Apple cider vinaigrette.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited June 2015

    I second what LadyBG said. Pack non-veggie items separately. Snack size zip-lock bags are great for this.
  • jamie_lee80
    jamie_lee80 Posts: 176 Member
    this week I am eating a salad made of spring mix, 3 oz salmon, feta cheese, dried cranberries, walnuts and balsalmic dressing. I have the feta, cranberry and walnuts in a baggy, the spring mix in a container and the salmon in a container. I mix it all together at lunch time so that it doesn't get soggy.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Check the recipes forum too, they have so many good ideas for food. The bento box thread is really good. Also the show me what you're eating thread is great, the pictures!

  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    I like chickpea salad

    Or any bean salad really. Keeps me full and satisfied.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    My lunch salad almost every day is 100 grams of baby spinach, fresh broccoli, fresh red bell pepper or grape tomatoes (I trade off), 1/2 serving (15 grams) of toasted slivered almonds, and either a veggie burger ( microwaved and cut up) or 4-5 ounces of canned chicken breast. Topped with Trader Joe's light champagne vinaigrette dressing (50 calories for 2 Tbsp). I usually have a serving of fresh fruit on the side. When I'm on the go I use cold packs and an insulated lunch bag, with the dressing packed separately.
  • silverdawnhawk
    silverdawnhawk Posts: 32 Member
    I don't have a name for this (my sister calls it "boat salad" because she used to work on an event boat in Victoria and that's where she got the recipe). Basic instructions - make it red, make it green, add everything else - mix. Measurements are arbitrary based on how much salad you want (if you want more, add more, if you want less add less).

    Red - red pepper chopped, cherry or grape tomatoes cut in half
    Green - fresh chives chopped, avocado cubed, fresh basil chopped
    Everything else - walnuts chopped, feta crumbled, black pepper to taste, garlic powder to taste, equal parts olive oil and balsamic vinegar (I used flavoured ones because I live a few blocks from a place that makes naturally flavoured ones).
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I love salads: Here's two that I have created and eat all the time:

    Digestive Health Salad: 3 cups Dole 50/50 mix, 1/4 Cup Planter's Digestive Health Mix (granola, cranberries, pistachios, and almonds in a can), 2 T. Kraft Classic Catalina Dressing, and 2 T. Salemville Amish Blue Cheese Crumbles. 360 Calories.

    Asian Inspired Salad: 3 cups Dole 50/50 mix, 28 Blue Diamond Wasabi Soy Almonds, 1 Tangelo, 2 T. Marzetti's Simply Dressed Ginger Sesame Dressing. 340 Calories.
  • JesieLeigh84
    JesieLeigh84 Posts: 1 Member
    If you want to stop yourself from getting bored with sandwiches, why not throw in a change of pace by putting the fillings on hollowed out cucumbers, inside halved bell peppers, quartered tomatoes, or even do a lettuce wrap type of thing? I find myself enjoying that more than the salads most of the time. You can also find the mason jar salad recipes on Pinterest or just by googling. I also like looking to those forums for different ideas on making my own salad dressings. Just a different dressing will add a change of pace. My personal favorite is just a little lemon juice with a tiny bit of salt, some pepper, and some garlic powder.

    Good luck!
  • smpomg
    smpomg Posts: 13 Member
    The other day I packed a salad for lunch that came out amazing. I grabbed a big mason jar, and scooped a cup of couscous in, topped it with some dry-fried mushrooms, frozen veggies, then a bunch of romaine, and capped it off with sprouts. It was all pretty mashed in there, but when I dumped it into the bowl, it was perfect. I added a few tablespoons of hummus and devoured it.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
  • Lily2you
    Lily2you Posts: 7 Member
    Salad is my go-to lunch when I work (3 days a week). The options are seriously only limited by your imagination. I buy a16 oz containers each of spring mix greens and spinach at Sams and that will get me through the week. Cherry tomatoes won't get anything wet. I cook up different meats to use as toppers. Grilled chicken breasts, taco meat from either ground turkey or beef, thin sliced steak, homemade chicken salad, tuna, etc. I usually throw on a bit of feta or goat cheese because I like it. Whatever veggies you have in the house chopped up and a dressing of your choice and you're good to go. I keep the meat separate until I'm ready to eat. I just finished baking a couple curry chicken breasts to slice up for when I work tomorrow.
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    Well mines boring compared to some of the above but the other day I didn't have anything available other than a v small avocado and some cherry tomatoes. I chopped them up and mixed with a can of tuna, it was delicious and didn't need any dressing. I was concerned if would leave me hungry but actually I was stuffed!