question for those who do the Beachbody 21 day fix...

mseslee Posts: 101 Member
so i received my 21 day fix and the calories that i'm supposed to consume, confuse the hell out of me. your current weight in pounds x 11 = your caloric baseline your caloric baseline + 400 (fix calorie burn) your caloric needs your caloric needs - 750 (caloric deficit) = your calorie target this is telling me I need to eat 1,927 calories a day to lose weight!! and MFP is at 1200.... is anyone else doing beachbody that can help me define how many calories i'm supposed to consume?


  • bcruz313
    bcruz313 Posts: 56 Member
    The calculation the program tells you is supposed to factor in the calories you burn doing the workouts. Not only during your workout but the afterburn as well. If you are following the meal plan, I would go by the program calculation. Mfp cannot give you lower than 1200 cals. That is the minimum. I think mfp's calculations are more generic but I could be wrong. Plus if you are following the meal plan, the calculation tells you what bracket you are in and how many containers of each color you are allowed.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    edited June 2015
    Definitely follow the 21DF calculations. It's set up specifically for the program whereas MFP is not. Please remember that, when it comes to weight loss, less calories are not always the way to go. If you follow the 21DF nutrition plan and do the workouts you'll be AMAZED at your results and you don't have to starve yourself! I've done it twice and am currently doing 21DF Extreme and it WORKS!

    [Edited by MFP Moderators]
  • dcl2634
    dcl2634 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree with the other ladies! It seems crazy but it works. I'm proof of that! I thought it seemed like a lot of food but those exercises definitely do a lot!