body by Vi

lynnmaries Posts: 2
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone heard of body by Vi? If so what have you heard? What are your thoughts?


  • mhware
    mhware Posts: 1
    I have a friend that has been doing the Body by Vi for about two and a half weeks now and she has lost between 15 and 20 lbs. She drinks 2 shakes (breakfast and lunch) and has supplement tablets to take and some kind of powder to add to the shakes to help suppress her appetite, then she eats a healthy dinner. I asked her if she felt hungry and she said she does and that she knows it's a mind over matter process with her. It cost her $300 for the kit. Besides the added supplements it sounds like you could probably do close to the same diet with slim-fast for a lot less money. Hope this info helps, but remember it's only an opinion. You may try it and love it! Good luck!

  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    There are no short cuts to this fat loss journey. Eat real real workouts....drink plenty of water......and get plenty of sleep every night. You'll have a better chance of keeping the weight off than your friend with the powders and pills will.

    Although it may seem like it at times (lol) ....the fat didn't get on your body over will not come off over night either. Choose the healthy liftestyle method over powders and pills. You'll save your pocketbook, your muscle mass, your bones, and your sense of achievement when all your hard work and wise choices end up in great results.

    Best wishes to you on your journey! Remember....if it were easy, we'd all look like swimsuit models already.
  • dont do it!!! it is packed with vitamins and other good stuff, but 2 shakes a day then a sensible dinner, and I think 2 300 calorie snacks a day, BUT it's a pain to make those shakes, 2 girls I work with did them one lost 8 lbs the first week (which was prob mostly fluid that she would have lost the first week on any diet) before she quit, The other one lost 20 lbs in the first month before she quit and quickly gained it all back!!! you didn't put this weight on over night and you shouldn't expect to take it off over night! the old fashioned way of blood/sweat/ and tears! I have lost 28 lbs in the past 2 months doing it the old fashioned way and I think that I need to slow it down a bit myself just to ensure that I keep it off this time!!!
  • oh and also the one who lost 8 lbs in the first week then quit, she gained back 10, and now she's wanting to take the byetta shot cuz she thinks thats the next big thing for her! don't buy into gimmicks!
  • kgranter
    kgranter Posts: 9 Member
    To the person who says it's a pain to make the shakes...I completely disagree!!! It's easy, simple and tastes great. I was always struggling in the mornings to figure out what to have for lunch at work...most days, I'd just go across the street and have fast food that's packed full of fat and calories and costs a fortune!!! I am now getting my transformation kit for FREE, I've lost 22 lbs and 28" in 6 weeks and am never looking back!!! I highly recommend this to matter how much weight you have to lose!!! There are packages for EVERYONE! - check it out:
  • I started using these shakes as a nutritional supplement about a month ago - not doing it for weight loss and still making sure my calories are at 1500/day. I previously used Ensure for this purpose. I am also using their Omega oils supplement, which I am really like much better than the fish oil I was previously taking.

    I have Crohn's disease and have really been having problems over the last year or so. Since I have started the Body By Vi shakes, I am now much more "regular" - having a BM, regularly formed, only once per day, as opposed to the liquid 5-6 times a day I was previously having. I feel as though I am very close to remission, which would be the first time in about 5 years.

    Not saying they are a miracle or anything like that. Just saying that the shakes do have more nutrients and protein than any other on the market. They also include a type of fiber that is very easily processed, which helps for people such as myself who have previously been restricted to a low-fiber diet. I also find them very tasty (especially when made with almond milk. Yum!) and they do keep me full. I could see how they'd work well as meal replacements if one chose to go that route.

    Do the research and follow the plan correctly. The nutritional information and everything else is available on the website. The plan advocates for 1200 calories a day if you are not exercising, 1500 if you are, pretty much just like MFP says.
  • Jen1499
    Jen1499 Posts: 6
    I also started body by Vi about a month ago. They are not comparable to slim fast and they are not a so called quick fix. It was simply the extra push I needed to help me on my weight loss journey. I work out along with the shakes. Its really easy and they taste great! I have not quite got mine for free as everyone around me wanted to see my results. I am well on my way though. I have lost 9 lbs during this month and I have a ton more energy. I say check it out for yourself, watch the videos and read up on it, then decide if it is for you.
  • TheFonz03
    TheFonz03 Posts: 2
    Shakes are a great way to supplement your meals. I need to eat 5 to 6 times a day . There is no way i can eat that much. So i drink a shake 2 to 3 times a day and eat healthy meals the rest of the day. I've done this for the past 2 months in preparation for my first body building competition. i went from 185 to 165 down from 14% body fat to 10.4 % body fat about 2 weeks ago. i should be at least 9% body fat. my goal was 7 or 8. Shakes are good in conjunction with a good diet, and work out regimen.
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