Tall pear shaped women with long torsos/short leg combo?

onewoodenleg2 Posts: 6 Member
edited June 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey all! I've been using MFP for about 6 weeks after a horrible grad school semester of no working out and gaining 10 lbs/getting all flabby. Anyway, I see lots of inspiring pictures here of muscley ladies but never feel like I see my body type. I'm 5'8", currently 135, not naturally muscular at all (lots o cellulite), and have a very long torso plus rather short legs. I'm very pear shaped but carry all of my fat in the top half of my upper arms, hips, butt, and extreme upper thighs only - the rest of my legs are pretty skinny comparatively and my forearms and collarbone are skinny as hell. My fitness goal is to lose 2 more lbs while maintaining my current muscle (I'm running a couple of times a week and lifting heavy weights twice a week) and then start on the concentrated muscle building part of my plan. Is there anyone else out there that looks similar to me? I'd like to see some tall, long torso muscley pear ladies for inspiration! Here are a couple of horribly lit pictures of me:


  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    edited June 2015
    Try mybodygallery.com
  • onewoodenleg2
    onewoodenleg2 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok cool - thanks!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Hmmm...I don't think that you are pear shaped or that you have a particularly long torso...or that you are especially muscular.

    You look fairly average to me--but good!

    Yes, look at some of the online body comparison sites.
  • onewoodenleg2
    onewoodenleg2 Posts: 6 Member
    Lol - I am extremely non-muscular - that's why I'd like to see some folks like me who have gained more muscle. :) Maybe pear doesn't describe my shape but I have a very small waist (27 inches) compared to my low hips (41 inches). Thanks though - I will check out those sites.
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    You and I are shaped similarly! I'm 5'8 on a good day. :)

    I don't have a ton of muscle definition. I only run, no weights. I want to try weights this winter.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    I wouldn't say you're Pear shaped at all!
    Your Legs look quite long, to me.
    I'd say you were a Rectangle.
  • LiveLoveSwimming
    LiveLoveSwimming Posts: 129 Member
    I weight 135 also and I'm 5'8" I'm not very muscular either..... But I am working on that!!

    However I do have long legs, but we have the same stats so at least it's a bit of similarity....


  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I weight 135 also and I'm 5'8" I'm not very muscular either..... But I am working on that!!

    However I do have long legs, but we have the same stats so at least it's a bit of similarity....


    You have a awesome body. I hope I get there one day!
  • LiveLoveSwimming
    LiveLoveSwimming Posts: 129 Member
    I weight 135 also and I'm 5'8" I'm not very muscular either..... But I am working on that!!

    However I do have long legs, but we have the same stats so at least it's a bit of similarity....


    You have a awesome body. I hope I get there one day!

    Haha thank you!
  • lifeandleaves
    lifeandleaves Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 5'5" and your legs look about 7" longer than mine. It looks like your legs are actually quite a lot longer than your own impression (which is normal - we never see ourselves objectively!). For myself, I know my legs are stubby as I have to buy petite trousers and my mom, 5'2", has the exact same hip height as me - Tragic!

    Your plan seems like a good obs, and is quite similar to mine. I was up to 5x/wk intensive circuits alternating strength and cardio. Building muscle is a killer way to blast cellulite and feel stronger, which for me is more motivating than any number on a scale. I love to run and jump and lift as well as the next guy.

    I was moving toward some good results but suddenly just ate a lot and haven't gone to circuits for a week and a half. Gaining weight happens rather fast and now I'm determined not to let the slope get any more slippery!

    I'll follow your thread and see how you progress if you do post any updates.

  • nicolet789
    nicolet789 Posts: 10 Member
    Yep, that's me! You look like the thin version of me!
  • onewoodenleg2
    onewoodenleg2 Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks for all of the feedback and the pictures - very inspiring! I do need to get some better pictures/maybe wear something else because I don't think that these are displaying my body shape/proportion correctly. My bottom is definitely bigger than my top. :) I wear a 6 or 8 in pants and a small or xsmall in shirts. I do agree that we see ourselves differently than others do though. Some better pictures of me are below - I think that this shows more of what I'm talking about. :)