Training through groin injury

I pulled my groin playing soccer and my doctor told me to shut down running and sports for 3 weeks. I really want to be able to keep working out as I don't want to fall into the same loop I have always fallen into of giving up and putting weight back on.

I can't really do any squats or lunges as my groin hurts right away. If I try and do any core moves or pushups I can really feel the tightness in my groin and lower abdomen.

Any suggestions for continuing to get exercise in during recovery?


  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    Are you allowed to walk for exercise?
  • jhard728
    jhard728 Posts: 52 Member
    yes, I have still been getting about 10,500 to 11,000 steps per day.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    how about upper body? Bench press, bicep curls, tricep extentions...To be honest, 3 weeks isn't that long, better to heal properly rather than to set yourself back further!!:)
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I had a stage II groin pull while training for a marathon. I was told to stop running for 4 weeks. I walked, biked, swam and did the elliptical with little resistance. just to keep up my lung capacity and cardio during those 4 weeks. dont push it or your going to not heal properly and prolong the time off needed to recover. I was able to take for weeks off and still compete in the marathon 6 weeks later. infact i think i was better for taking the time to rest rather than trying to keep up.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    LOL....takes forever for a groin pull to go away.....
    When I was younger I did it playing basketball one night by the time I finished and got home, I was crawling from my car to the door step......
    I tried to keep up doing things, but after a bout a week I thought I was fine, went back out and played ball again.....back to square one.

    You may be better off listening to your doctor. Groin pulls take a while to heal.
  • jhard728
    jhard728 Posts: 52 Member
    thanks everybody. I think I will just take it easy and do some light walking and upper body work and focus on eating great for 3 weeks until I can get back at it on the field and exercising regularly.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Groin injuries are one of the hardest to recover from. Look at the professional athletes who get them and spend weeks and months dealing with them, usually because they push things too soon.

    Avoid overworking that area. Stick to walking and maybe some upper body work. You don't want to be back to this point a few weeks from now because you got impatient. Keep in mind that you don't need to exercise to lose weight. Just keep under your calorie goal and you'll be fine.
  • jhard728
    jhard728 Posts: 52 Member
    just wanted to say thanks for the advice from those that contributed. I took it easy and walked a little more and focused on some upper body strength training. tried some push ups about a week and a half ago and could still feel some tightness in my groin. I have been doing the recommended stretches and "rehab" if you will and feel a lot better. I did some higher intensity moves over the weekend and feel great today. I will continue to monitor for discomfort but I do believe that the time off helped. Thanks again.