Does strength training while fasted hinder progress?

Does strength training while fasted hinder muscle development and progress? I've only been having time to workout in the morning before breakfast, still in a fasted state. I typically do strength and abs. Does that hinder my muscle development and progress? Thanks


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Well, it's not an optimal state to train in, but unless you're an elite-level athlete or bodybuilder, you probably won't notice a difference.
    Personally i'd have a little sugar (fruit juice, etc) before lifting, to increase performance.

    Which strength program are you following?
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    The general advice I've seen for fasted training is take BCAA's or a half scoop of whey before hand to make sure you have amino acids available in blood to avoid using any from muscles.
  • charlesmauch
    charlesmauch Posts: 58 Member
    You could carb-backload (I think that's what it's called). I noticed a while ago when I would have a huge cheat-meal for dinner before an AM training session the next day my performance would skyrocket. Now I typically just eat a bunch of rice/oats/etc before I go to sleep. In the morning before hitting the gym I'll usually only have a lot of coffee and a scoop whey protein in me. Seems to work.
  • Leslierussell4134
    Leslierussell4134 Posts: 376 Member
    Do you still have fat to lose? I've been researching this a lot lately because I just started intermittent fasting (16:8) and I also workout in the mornings in a fasted state. I've always been a morning workout girl and am currently doing 60 minutes of circut/HIIT training. I don't eat before workout ever and always feel energized. There seems to be research supporting fasted workouts when a person still has fat to convert to energy, however there is less supporting athletes at ideal body composition and maintaining muscle mass. However, it seems the SIRT1 gene, when activated, prevents muscle breakdown during fasted exercise...still reading up on that. Such an interesting topic.
    All I know is I feel great when I workout on an empty stomach. Again I'm only there for 60 to 80 minutes. If I were to go longer I'm sure I'd hit the wall with no carbs in my system. Seems to be the intimate way to lose body fat.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You'll live
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I doubt it. I'd probably eat soonish afterwards for optimal results though, if you're that concerned about it.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I've always been a morning workout girl and am currently doing 60 minutes of circut/HIIT training. I don't eat before workout ever and always feel energized. There seems to be research supporting fasted workouts when a person still has fat to convert to energy, however there is less supporting athletes at ideal body composition and maintaining muscle mass. However, it seems the SIRT1 gene, when activated, prevents muscle breakdown during fasted exercise...still reading up on that. Such an interesting topic.
    All I know is I feel great when I workout on an empty stomach. Again I'm only there for 60 to 80 minutes.

    The SIRT1 enzyme may help reduce muscle breakdown, but i don't see how it can completely eliminate it during fasted, vigorous exercise, since most of your energy then comes from carbohydrates, and as carb stores decline, gluconeogenesis goes way up. That's the process of building new glucose from amino acids, most of which is known to come from muscle.

    By the way, muscle breakdown / gluconeogenesis is triggered by cortisol, and since you're a morning person, you probably have higher morning cortisol.. hence your energy then.

    So my guess is you're burning some muscle.. but again, probably an insignificant amount if you're not a cutting-edge athlete and you eat enough protein. Like the wise & curt DavPul said, you'll live. :+1: