YYDA (yo-yo dieters anonymous)

Anyone else feel like they could fit into that title?

After many years of fad dieting, loosing and then gaining it back I've decided to quit diets.

I am however committing to tracking what I eat and striving to make good choices.

Please add me as a friend- I need support and hope I can support others in return :)


  • zakjal101
    zakjal101 Posts: 3 Member
    Same here. having much better luck tracking my food.
  • hehillier
    hehillier Posts: 2 Member
    Ditto here!
  • lisyg3737
    lisyg3737 Posts: 43 Member
    This is my problem. I keep going back and forth. What I need to commit to is listening to my body and hunger signals. But it's just so hard sometimes.
  • YummyMummyXox
    YummyMummyXox Posts: 17 Member
    This is so me! Lost loads of weight, gained some of it, lost weight again, gained a little bit, then had a baby, gained lots of it, now I'm in the process of losing again, for good. Lol. I'm so done with fad diets
  • hncall01
    hncall01 Posts: 152 Member
    Same here guys!! Totally a yo-yo dieter and have tried a ton of diets that are out there. Trying to get back on track with just eating better, even though I do slip every now and then with a meal. Would love to have any support or motivation as well!!