Need motivational support

hello, my wedding is next year in Jamaica and I need to lose weight. I'm 5 foot 2 and 135 lbs and it feels like the fat is everywhere. I'm having a hard time finding the right support. I just want to look and feel good. Food is my problem, I can't say no to things. I just did two weeks of low carb diet and it did work but it got too hard, I missed the food I like!! I think I will try calorie counting and see how that goes. I just need good support. The good news is I have a lot of time to do this still and I think I need to ease into it better. Please help me, I'll take any help I can get!!


  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    I'm actually close to you in weight and height at five feet tall and 132 pounds. I have no wedding looming scarily ahead, although I am happily in a relationship and would like to reach goal weight before we live together again.

    I found 1100 calories too difficult and went to 1200. Slow and steady and with no "bad" foods and occasional off days (if I'm going to a party or out with friends those times are times to enjoy how I want).

    I throw in the occasional workout. Usually strength or swimming. I hate running.
  • daphne626
    daphne626 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I recommend sticking to your calorie limit, walking for half hour every day and your weight and shape will improve gradually. I have lost 1 stone in 8 weeks, don't miss a days walk and can feel and see my shape changing.I've got another stone to go, seem to have plateaued for now but am going to keep logging my food and exercise and I feel confident that not only will I be thinner, but I will also be healthier. Good luck and tell the truth in your diary. ....If you have a slip up one day then don't beat yourself up, just concentrate on the next
  • samantha0131
    samantha0131 Posts: 29 Member
    First congrats!!! Second, I have been on this app for a while and this is the first time I've stuck with it. I find first that you need to have tons of support and motivation! If it is they Facebook, or my fitness pal or reading articles online, anything.
    What I am doing that keeps me motivated is first I posted everywhere that I am trying to change my life for the better and eat healthy and clean and started putting up inspirational quotes round my house!
    When I go to the grocery store, I don't go hungry, I only buy veggies, fruits and lean meats and I try to be creative with it and make it all pretty and post my food online. It sounds stupid, I know, but others see it and are like wow that's awesome and you feel good and inspire others also!
    Also the app mapmywalk, it goes with this app and you can start slow and every coupe of days push a little farther. I started at 1 mile and now I am between 4-5 miles a day.
    You start small and work up to things, when we try too hard we crash hard, sometimes.
    I hope this works, I'm just going on what has helped me this time around. Sorry this is long! I wish you the best and remember to always have faith in yourself! You can do this! We are here for you!