Hello world!

hello, a small peek of my struggle.

Two weeks ago my husband of 8 years left. It was mutual, we both. We're very unhappy and mostly on auto pilot on our family life. So he's gone were going to be friends but heartbreak of this still hurts. I've let myself go so far because I was unhappy it's time to take my life and care about me for a while I need to lose weight, 100 lbs would be ideal,

The more people I can friend and do this with the better! We can help eachother the best way we can and we all have something in common! We want to be healthy! Please feel free to add me as a friend!

:) nikki


  • WonderPig
    WonderPig Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Nikki, I went through the same thing - I am four years on now and very happy - pain is temporary. creating a new focus on something that is all about you is the perfect solution. just remember that its not just about cutting back on food - exercise is really important too! I work for myself at home and as a result I realised that I had lost my body strength and fitness. I do yoga and freeletics now which works wonders for weight loss and body toning.

    Good luck and stay strong
  • Justforme160yee
    Justforme160yee Posts: 39 Member
    I was thinking about yoga. Any good DVDs you can recommend?
  • WonderPig
    WonderPig Posts: 7 Member
    no need to go to the expense of DVD's - youtube has lots of great ones. Try this https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=yoga+for+beginners also go for walks twice a day at a brisk pace. it will really help.
  • WonderPig
    WonderPig Posts: 7 Member
    oh that came up strange - search youtube for yoga for beginners
  • Justforme160yee
    Justforme160yee Posts: 39 Member
    Awesome! Thanks a lot!