New here - Birmingham, UK - Friends please :-)

Hi everyone,

I have used this app before, but not for a long time. My name is Marie, I live in Birmingham in the UK. I'm a mum, a student, I work, and I have an under active thyroid.
My weight yo-yo's but I haven't been a healthy weight for a number of years now. A few days ago someone called me 'fatty' - he was just a guy being mean. But .... It hurt. Ironically, the guy himself is overweight too.
But, I do need to reclaim my body and my health. I had my first personal training session last night, and it went really well. The guy is great, and I think we will work well together.
I know from previous experience that the more support I have, the better I will do. I'd also love to support others on their journey. So please, feel free to add me as a friend.
Hope to hear from you guys

Marie x


  • becauseimworthit576
    becauseimworthit576 Posts: 6 Member
  • Jim_i25
    Jim_i25 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi, I am in UK too. I would have smacked that guy making comments like that. You certainly have a plan in place and best of luck executing it.
  • becauseimworthit576
    becauseimworthit576 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you Jim.
    The guy just wanted to hurt me - he succeeded. But anyone that behaves like that is automatically the loser in that situation anyway.
    Onwards and upwards (or downwards in terms of weight!!)
    :-) x
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    What a d****ead. Anyways, you sound like you are focused and have your plan. Now you just gotta execute it. Wishing you the best of luck
  • kumho
    kumho Posts: 26 Member
    That bloke is an idiot.... Well I wouldn't call him a man.
  • becauseimworthit576
    becauseimworthit576 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you both. I know, says a lot more about him than it does me.
    Still hurt....mainly because I know I have to face my ever increasing weight.
    Still, when he sees me next - and I'm looking considerably healthier - he won't be able to say it again.
  • natrisha
    natrisha Posts: 4 Member
    So sorry for the inappropriate comment. :'( Those comments do really hurt. Let it fuel you then in the future you can walk by him wearing something hot and leave him in the dust. :o) Hehe... Seriously, I do understand; and I am also looking for some support because I do better with friends and also need some motivation! Glad to meet you!
  • joolieb1
    joolieb1 Posts: 140 Member
    My son was overweight and wanted to get fitter when he was 13 and started running. An adult man he did not know shouted from his car "run fat boy run" and he never went out running again
  • jonsmithkidd
    jonsmithkidd Posts: 1,204 Member
    Welcome to MFP, all the best in hitting your goals.

    Having had a lot of those comments myself for many years (I got the run, fatboy, run comment and it took me years to get back out on the road) I know how much it hurts. I also know how good it feels when you start to lose the weight and people notice. When it's the same people who made comments, then you can really be smug, lol.

    Anywhere, I'm from the same part of the world as you and I'm on here daily so feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • Bctyummum
    Bctyummum Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck, you sound determined x
  • ElisaJtsu
    ElisaJtsu Posts: 97 Member
    joolieb1 wrote: »
    My son was overweight and wanted to get fitter when he was 13 and started running. An adult man he did not know shouted from his car "run fat boy run" and he never went out running again

    OH NO! That is awful! I feel very concious when I'm running and chose a trail rather than roads to keep away from idiots like that. I'm older and more confident now - I can't believe anybody would be that mean to a 13 year old!
    We don't need people like that...I hope his confidence will grow again!
  • AlecB62
    AlecB62 Posts: 264 Member
    Still, when he sees me next - and I'm looking considerably healthier - he won't be able to say it again.

    sounds like you've got the right attitude there.
    you've got my support...