Lipoedema - anyone out there battling ?

I have a diagnosis of Lipoedema but am still working hard to lose as much weight as possible was wondering if anyone else out there is working through or managing the same condition, if so please say hello :)


  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    What is it and how does it affect your food/exercise efforts?
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    It's an excess accumulation of adipose tissue in the legs and sometimes the arms. The difference being that this type of fat cannot usually be lost from exercise/diet change.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    benzieboxx wrote: »
    It's an excess accumulation of adipose tissue in the legs and sometimes the arms. The difference being that this type of fat cannot usually be lost from exercise/diet change.

    Thanks. I see several people at the pool with legs that are very large in proportion to the rest of their body. Is that what you are talking about? I have no advice or experience to impart (I asked because I never heard the term), but I do empathize with anyone dealing with medical issues, having a couple of my own.

  • clairegallagher125
    clairegallagher125 Posts: 5 Member
    That's exactly it ladies although I have found that clean eating and excerise that's considerate of the condition and the associated pain has helped me. It better recognised throughout the U.S. and Germany compared to here in the UK. It requires a lots of acceptance in terms of body image which is sometimes the biggest struggle.
  • LozzieWebb
    LozzieWebb Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Claire. I have Lipoedema (recently diagnosed). I've tried all sorts if diets over the years. I'm just about to embark on the LCHF way of eating. It works very well for a lot of ladies with this condition - so I'm hopeful of finally getting somewhere