Any type 1 diabetics having success?

When dong a search for Type 1 diabetes in the forums I am coming across a lot of people struggling to lose or even maintain their weight. I have been type 1 diabetic for 24 years. I have been trying so hard for the last 9 months to lose weight and I am getting extremely frustrated. I would love to hear of a Type 1 diabetic having success with weight loss and what seems to be helping!


  • jnaylor342014
    jnaylor342014 Posts: 17 Member
    I feel your pain. I can't seem to lose and when I do have a good day calorie-wise I then have a hypo that ruins it all. I need around 14lb off and it's even more annoying when I go to the gym and feel good about myself only to hypo and need to eat excess calories after. I would be really grateful for any weight loss ideas!
  • sean_hancock
    sean_hancock Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm type 1 and I just started MFP 2 weeks ago. I've been wirking out for about 7 months and when I told my endo I hadn't lost any weight he said " you're taking too much insulin." Kinda funny... Being T1 is such a balancing act already and then balancing more exercise, nutrition, hypos, etc. make it crazy hard. I've been working on figuring out my basal and still not there yet... If anything, I'd go with what my endo said and just lower basal, increase your correction ratio/ unit to carb ratio... I know it sounds simple, and it is, and it's something we all know, but just need a kick in the pants to remember it sometimes..

    Also, I don't know about you, but I often way overdo it when treating hypos, do try to do the bare minimum, if you can!

    Good luck!
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yes! I've lost 8 pounds since March, with 15 total to lose so I'm halfway there. I've been able to work with my dr regarding insulin pump settings and rarely go low. I've just done a lot of basal testing and found I was taking way too much basal. So lowering that has helped a lot. But other than that I just do what everyone else does. Count calories and move more. If I do go low, I just log the food I treat with.
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    One other thing. I plan exercise around meals so I don't have to eat extra to cover the exercise. Or I'll split the meal into 2 parts. Carbs before exercise and protein/fat after. But either way I'm not eating extra calories to cover exercise. I HATE that.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    Very slowly. I ended up losing 60-ish pounds because of the undiagnosed diabetes (210+ to 155), gained 15 pounds back within two months of starting insulin (170), and have lost 35 pounds over the past two years (135). I swear the worst part is exercising (whether for fun or to treat a really bad post-meal high) and going low during the exercising.

    Right now, it seems like my basals need to be lowered by 10% for every 5-10 pounds I lose. I lose those 5-10 pounds, stall for 1-3 months, finally realize that I might be taking too much insulin, adjust my basals, and then suddenly woosh overnight by 5 pounds (thus repeating the entire process).