
JessNycol Posts: 9
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I've gained 3 pounds in the last week... I would like to sit in the corner and cry about it, but its my own fault. I let stress get the best of me and let my emotional eating consume me. I've lost 13 pounds since January, which I know is something I SHOULD be proud of... but I am disappointed in myself because I know for a fact that I could have and should have done better. I am disappointed that I let myself get weak and feel vulnerable. And I am mad that I made excuses to myself thinking they were good enough. Sorry to be a downer, but I think I just needed a minute to vent. So... when I start feeling better (I am sick right now) I am going to kick my own butt and I am going to lose this weight if its the last thing I do... I have to do it and I need to do it. I am tired of hating myself and the way I look, I am tired of feeling ugly. I'm tired of none of my clothes fitting right. I am tired of feeling like I am not good enough. But most of all, I am tired of feeling like a failure. I am going to lose this weight, and I am going to love myself... its going to happen and I am going to make it happen! Yes, I am disappointed in myself, disappointed doesn't even begin to explain it really... but I am going to pick myself back up, dust myself off and I am going to do some jumping jacks :) Thanks for listening.


  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    We've all been there and done that sweetie! "Forget about yesterday -- focus on today!" There is nothing you can do about the past week but what you said -- get back up, brush yourself off, and move forward! You are beautiful, you are worth it, and you CAN do it. Just stick with it and you'll be fine :heart:
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    We all have set backs! I gained 5 pounds back in one week. But I lost it plus more. It could be just water weight that you have gained or simply it could be around "your time".

    But good for you for not wanting to give up!
  • It happens! It doesn't matter how quickly you lose...you don't have to be the one to lose 40 pounds in 4 months. You'll still get there at a pace that works for you. :)
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day! Don't ever get down on yourself for your mistakes, just be proud of what you have accomplished! 13 lbs in 5 months is amazing! Drink lots of water to try to keep on track starting now. Yesterday doesn't matter, it's your future you are trying to change!
  • In2luvnme
    In2luvnme Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you! Taking responsibility is the first step of many....remember you didn't wake up one day roll out of bed and poof you were the size you are now...it was a process and it will be a process to get it off. I completely understand. We are finally sick and tired of talking about it and we are going to do something about it. Good for you...and good for me....just remember no one is perfect and each day is a new beginning. If you continue being sick and tired of talking and start doing it will work...at least that is what I told myself this morning....Let's motivate each other and keep up the good work...you are 13 pounds lighter than you were, which is better than being 13 pounds heavier, right :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • bpe101
    bpe101 Posts: 53 Member
    Remember to love yourself regardless of how you look, how your clothes fit, or how down you get. Losing the weight shouldn't be what makes you love yourself. You can still love yourself and have areas you need to improve on, such as losing weight. But if you don't love yourself now, you won't suddenly love yourself when you are thinner. Love yourself for recognizing you need to lose weight. Love yourself for taking initiative to lose the weight. Love yourself for accomplishing your goal. And love yourself because of who you are on the inside. Then feel great about the way you look. But looks aren't everything. Learn to love yourself no matter what, but still hold yourself accountable for your actions. Good luck!
  • linda4040
    linda4040 Posts: 3
    I think you are being to hard on yourself......You said you were sick, that means you didn't exercise the way you might normaly...Take care of yourself for now and when your feeling better do those jumping jacks and start again...
  • JessNycol
    JessNycol Posts: 9
    Thank you everyone for all the encouraging words!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    The only way to fail is to not pick yourself up and try again. Hope you feel better soon and can get back to pursuing a healthy lifestyle :-)
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