Shakology vs About time Protein

I am looking for a protein shake. I love my About Time (chocolate and cinnamon swirl) but everything talks about how great shakeology is because of its extra vitamin's. Any thoughts?
I just stuck. I just got off diet pills ( on and off for 2 years.) I lost a lot of weight (210 pounds) and gain some back. I want to lost it and do it healthy. NO PILLS!


  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Shakeology is crap wrapped up in a pretty package. There is nothing special about it, and it is overpriced garbage. Don't fall for the hype.

    Start here:

    Buy a food scale and eat at a moderate deficit. Try and shoot for a pound a week. This will give you enough calories for the day so you won't be too hungry. Find an activity that you enjoy doing and do that for exercise. You will find that you don't need any expensive shakes or pills, or any complicated eating plans. All you need is a calorie deficit. Learn to fit both nutrient-dense foods and treats into your goals.

    Congrats on your loss so far :smile:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Have the Shakeology people started releasing the nutrition info on their products? Have they been tested to see if they actually contain what they say they contain?

    A lt of those powders and shakes sold to fitness buffs don't contain what they say they do...and sometimes contain things they don't mention!

    Be careful about what you swallow. If you wouldn't swallow any old pill someone hands you, don't swallow any old powder, either.

    Those bodybuilders are forever crying, "I didn't know I took drugs!" and while I'm sure a few lie, I think some of them really don't know wth they're putting in their bodies. They just swallow whatever someone gives them and are shocked when it turns out to contain things that were harmful.

    Be careful.

    You don't need massive amounts of protein to lose weight, just like you don't need to eliminate sugar. Anyone who says different has either been duped into believing you do or is lying and probably trying to sell you something.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    do yr body and wallet a favor, shun all MLM products. multilevel marketing stuff is dishonest, overpriced, and the reps are pushy and try to recruit you, which would make you lose even more money. Shop reputable stores for above board brands that aren't sold through shady marketing methods.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    schwartzr wrote: »
    I am looking for a protein shake. I love my About Time (chocolate and cinnamon swirl) but everything talks about how great shakeology is because of its extra vitamin's. Any thoughts?
    I just stuck. I just got off diet pills ( on and off for 2 years.) I lost a lot of weight (210 pounds) and gain some back. I want to lost it and do it healthy. NO PILLS!

    shakeology is overpriced garbage..if you want more vitamins then just take a multivitamin with your protein powder..and it is cheaper.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited June 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    schwartzr wrote: »
    I am looking for a protein shake. I love my About Time (chocolate and cinnamon swirl) but everything talks about how great shakeology is because of its extra vitamin's. Any thoughts?
    I just stuck. I just got off diet pills ( on and off for 2 years.) I lost a lot of weight (210 pounds) and gain some back. I want to lost it and do it healthy. NO PILLS!

    shakeology is overpriced garbage..if you want more vitamins then just take a multivitamin with your protein powder..and it is cheaper.

    This. ^ btw, you'll lose weight by eating at a deficit, not drinking Shakology.
  • jonnybhoy
    jonnybhoy Posts: 84 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    do yr body and wallet a favor, shun all MLM products. multilevel marketing stuff is dishonest, overpriced, and the reps are pushy and try to recruit you, which would make you lose even more money. Shop reputable stores for above board brands that aren't sold through shady marketing methods.

    Very much this had a relative who was into herbalife for a while but thankfully not for long.

  • schwartzr
    schwartzr Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone! This really helps.