Questions about work outs

tenkides Posts: 151 Member
I'm new. I was in a car accident 3 months ago. I have extensive whip lash. The doctor suggested water walking. I have been doing that for several weeks now. It's helping some but I would like to know other workouts that are low impact. My doctor dosn't know anything else for me to try. He says I can do anything I think I can do. The only thing I can't do is ride my horse. Can I have some suggestions please?


  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Do you have any medically oriented gyms in your area? Maybe a physical therapist would be good, I went to one after I injured my neck years ago, it helped a ton.
  • tenkides
    tenkides Posts: 151 Member
    No gyms. I went to one before I started doing chiropractor and deep massage. They don't know what would be good to try right now. They just want me to exercise. Thanks for the suggestion though. Do you know of any thing else?
  • WeaponXI
    WeaponXI Posts: 63 Member
    Try to see a physiotherapist, because the wrong type of exercise can make your condition worse. They have the training and expertise to help you.
  • scr183
    scr183 Posts: 49 Member
    Maybe some gentle/restorative yoga to help with mobility? Obviously you'd need to be careful and communicate clearly with your instructor (and in your case I'd definitely try a live class rather than working with videos etc, at least to start) about your situation, but it might be worth a try. But whatever you do, definitely proceed with caution. :/ Hope you're able to find something that works for you.
  • michelegreen99
    michelegreen99 Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry to hear about your accident and glad that you appear to be healing. I definitely second the opinion to work with a physical therapist as they will be able to assess your range of motion in the injured parts of your body. But I also want to say to keep moving no matter what you do! I was hit head-on by a truck while jogging and was seriously injured, particularly in my legs. My doctor (at a hospital I won't name) told me to lay on the couch, limit movement etc. A month later, I was in worse shape than the day of the accident. I then went to a prominent Orthopedic Surgeon who immediately drained the swelling in both my legs and operated the next day. Just a few days later, I was doing physical therapy. He told me the worse thing to do when you are injured is to stop moving and that I did more damage laying on that couch than the Ford 150 had done to the rest of my body! I still follow that advice and whenever I have an injury, I still try and do whatever my body will allow me to do. Walk, stretch, swim, stationery bike, etc. That is where the PT will help guide you!

    Best of luck!
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    Perhaps walking outdoors? Or yoga.

    My father has had a whip lash a few years ago, and recovered in a special physio program. The only things I remember clearly is that they did walking, a lot of relaxation exercises and some water exercises.
  • tenkides
    tenkides Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I will try those.