Non weight barring cardio and strength training

I have lost a total of 75 pounds and got 75 more to go. After working out hard last month I started having problems with my right knee. After xray, mri, I was told I have a hole in my cartilage under my knee cap. I will be have a cartilage transfer next month and told I'll be non weight barring for 8-12 weeks.
I need some good workout ideas I can do while sitting without doing anymore damage to it now and after surgery.
Strength training is good and i got ideas for that but I was doing interval treadmill training daily for cardio plus I walked on average 5-7 miles daily at work.
I don't want to gain, hopefully maintain but the goal is to still lose weight during this process.


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    swim laps...even if you don't think of yourself as a swimmer, using a kickboard and doing laps is a great way to get some non weight bearing cardio in!
  • rodamaker2004
    rodamaker2004 Posts: 3 Member
    I can't get in a pool or anything to avoid infection. I'm hoping that passes after time.