How do you fight the "evil" inner voice?



  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    if i'm home, I go for a walk, if i'm at work, I drown it with water :)
  • vanesa28
    vanesa28 Posts: 4 Member
    Sometimes if I've almost set my mind on having that bad food, I will log it into my diary and then think about what I'm going to be eating for the rest of the day, for dinner etc. Most times this treat will push your calories so far out you just can't justify it. Then I go back and delete the naughty item and feel such a great sense of relief that I haven't actually eaten it and in fact I now have spare calories for the day and choose a healthy treat.

    Easier said than in practice! Or sometimes I will force myself to eat something healthy and once I've had that I usually feel satisfied and stop thinking about food or can think a bit more realistically about the choices I make.

    Good luck!!

    Great idea!
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I go look in the mirror. It used to motivate me to stay on schedule to look better and now it motivates me to see how far Ive come and to stay on track. If I still feel tempted I just think "What I focus on will expand" and if I focus on food it will get out of hand again. So I try to focus on a healthier me.
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    Scream out loud, "Get behind me Satan"

    LOL :laugh:
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    Sometimes if I've almost set my mind on having that bad food, I will log it into my diary and then think about what I'm going to be eating for the rest of the day, for dinner etc. Most times this treat will push your calories so far out you just can't justify it. Then I go back and delete the naughty item and feel such a great sense of relief that I haven't actually eaten it and in fact I now have spare calories for the day and choose a healthy treat.

    Easier said than in practice! Or sometimes I will force myself to eat something healthy and once I've had that I usually feel satisfied and stop thinking about food or can think a bit more realistically about the choices I make.

    Good luck!!

    OMG I do this same thing! I will add the naughty treat and then I see how it pushes my dinner plan way out of whack so I delete it and don't follow through with eating it. If it is doable with dinner and working out then I will eat it...but if its way over dinner and the workout then it is totally evil and not worthy of being on my plate.