35 Pounds in 6 months

Is losing 35 pounds realistic to lose in 6 months for a female 5'5 163 pounds and 23 years of age. Need info thank you. & add me


  • cosettecole
    cosettecole Posts: 17 Member
    Very possible! You can do this. PM me to share what you know and if you need tips!!
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    35 lbs / 26 weeks = 1.35 lbs/wk

    Yes, realistic. Keep in mind weight loss is not a steady, linear process. Also weight loss tends to slow down the closer to your goal you get. Start with MFP set to 1.5 lbs/wk and give it a couple weeks to get used to eating at the level it gives you.
  • ellesMFP93
    ellesMFP93 Posts: 43 Member
    Totally do-able!! I've lost 17.5kg (38.5 pounds) in 3 months. I probably have a lot more to lose than you do so it may have been a little quicker for me in the beginning. MFP is so helpful and everyone on here is wonderful at motivating each other. Feel free to add or message me if you like :)
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    I'm 5'6" and I started at around 170 lbs (my highest ever) on December 20, 2014. This week, I'm 135. I was lazy from December until mid March when I came back to my fitness pal, but I still lost some weight. Since mid March, I've worked hard. I've been serious about reasonable portion sizes when I have been unable to weigh my food. I've weighed my food even when I know my roommate is questioning my sanity at weighing berries. I walk everywhere when it takes less than an hour to walk there. I do at least ten body weight squats a day. I'm not strong yet, but I'm stronger than I was. I practice yoga.

    I made the decision sometime in the past six months to not just lose the weight, but to be nicer to myself, and to be honest about what that means. Eating less food isn't a punishment. My body simply doesn't need as much as I've been giving it. My body hasn't benefited from a lack of physical fitness. And my brain knows deep down that these past few years would have been a lot easier if I had kept healthy habits. I'm happier working hard for myself. My success these past months has reminded me that I don't have to sell myself short just because other people have. I hope sharing this helps.
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    I have lost 35 pounds in 5 months - went from 196 to 160.5. I'm 5'5" and 31. But now my weight loss has slowed way down. I expect it'll take the next 5 months or more to lose the next 15 or 20. How quick depends partly on how much extra you are carrying on you. The closer to goal weight, the slower it goes.
  • barryplumber
    barryplumber Posts: 401 Member
    I'm down 22lbs in 2 1/2 months and I'm a whole lot older
  • lalainap19
    lalainap19 Posts: 165 Member
    I just heat the less u weigh the harder it is to lose and the more u weigh the faster the weight comes off. I'm 163 trying to reach 127
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    yes. I've lost 50 in 6 months.

    although, if you are closer to your ideal weight, it likely will be harder and take longer.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    lalainap19 wrote: »
    I just heat the less u weigh the harder it is to lose and the more u weigh the faster the weight comes off. I'm 163 trying to reach 127


    To lose 2 lbs per week, you need a 1000 calorie/day deficit. (1 lb = 3500 calories)

    If your TDEE at 163 lbs is 2300 (assuming a very active lifestyle), you have to restrict to 1300 to achieve 2 lb/wk loss.

    At 140 lbs, everything else being the same, your TDEE is ~2150. You'd have to eat ~1150 to keep the same rate. Since it's unadvisable to go below 1200 for a female, you have to drop back to a slower weight loss rate the closer you get to that goal.

    Towards the end, you're probably working at 0.5 lb/week, which is only 250 calorie/day deficit.
  • vickypalfreyman471
    vickypalfreyman471 Posts: 50 Member
    Totally do able! I've lost 60lb in 6 months! All thanks to MFP, gone from 214 to 154lb , aiming for 133lb.
  • katieshaheen66
    katieshaheen66 Posts: 16 Member
    It is totally doable - I have lost 44 pounds since January 18th (didn't start logging my weight until a bit later, so my profile says only 36). I eat 1200 calories per day, exercise and drink lots of water :smiley:

    Good luck to you! You can do it!
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    lalainap19 wrote: »
    Is losing 35 pounds realistic to lose in 6 months for a female 5'5 163 pounds and 23 years of age. Need info thank you. & add me

    Yes, it is totally possible...

    BUT just as a warning, the closer your get to your goal (128) the harder it will be. I have spent the last 6 months getting from 128 to 120.