
I've struggled with my weight for most of my life. I've pretty much resigned myself to being fat for the rest of my life. I see the skinny girls all around me and wish that I could look like them. But I have a problem with food. Every time I've tried to lose weight I fail because of food. I am a very picky eater. The food I like are loaded with calories. I don't like healthy food. Or at least I don't like the food that I KNOW is healthy. I suppose there are probably foods out there that are healthy that I would like, I just don't know what they are. I don't even know where to begin to look for them either. I know that calories are a major part of weight loss. I know that I can eat whatever I want and so long as I'm staying under my calories and being active I'll lose the weight. But the foods that I eat are loaded with calories and if I were to eat enough to keep me full then I would have exhausted my calorie alottment for the day by lunch. I have no problem staying active.

I guess the whole reason I am posting this is because I am hoping that somewhere someone will be in the same situation that I am in and give me ideas for things to eat that will get me started. Please help me. I don't WANT to be fat for the rest of my life. I don't want to not be able to chase my daughter around the park. I don't want to have to take a bunch of medication when I'm older.

What are some of the healthy foods that you enjoy?


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    My diary is open if you want to look through my food choices! Also try Goggle to look for other food options!
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Here is one of my faves. Low cal, low carb, high fiber, high protein chicken wrap
  • Behavioral
    Behavioral Posts: 60
    two words...skinny cow

    Also, try alternative cooking methods. oven "fried" chicken is pretty good. I also like to add parmesean cheese to baked breading...adds a great flavor!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm an extremely picky eater too. EXTREMELY. I generally only eat the stuff that I know I like and it is very hard to get me to try new things.

    The best thing to do is experiment. "Healthy" foods aren't as gross as they used to be. A lot of them are actually quite good and being that they're good for you too.

    Brown rice is way better than white rice for you. I only eat Uncle Ben's brown rice because it, to me, tastes better.

    If you don't like whole wheat bread, try whole grain white. It is better than white, but tastes more like white.

    You have to just go out and try stuff.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Well not to be the ahole here but I hear got 2 choices eat the foods you like and you know where that leads you or make a sacrafice and eat the foods you might not like but they like you and be what you always wanted to be. Lot of people you think are just genetic wonders that stay in good shape if you ask them you will find they put lots and lots of effort into it, but now if you can't help yourself and have to eat the foods you like because in no way shape or form your going to touch the stuff that is healthy for you the portion control portion control portion control and this important because if you eat 3000 caloriesof the good stuff its just as bad as eatng 3000 calories of the bad wel almost
  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    It's hard to enjoy healthy foods for me too sometimes. I recently picked up a Betty Crocker 300 meals under 300 calories cookbook. It's a lot of real food made so that it's lower calorie. Basically the recipes taste like you are eating real food not the pages of the book. There are also a lot of cookbooks that "make-over" comfort foods or unhealthy things that you crave. You have to be realistic, you can't cut out every food you like and live on carrots. It's just not possible. Find a way to make the things you do like healthier and stay active. Slowly try to add healthier things to your routine and do the best you can!
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    Hi there! I suffer from overeating and stress eating so I can understand what you are talking about. If I can give you one food that I really love that doesnt taste like a healthy food its Kellogg's Fiber Plus Antioxidants Chewy chocolate bars. I swear they taste just like a candy bar, not a health food. Also, if you can find it, there is a cookbook from prevention magazine called "Prevention's Best Weight Loss Recipes" (145 no guilt meals.) I like it because it has a lot of recipes that taste like comfort food, but are actually good for you. My boyfriend isnt much of a healthy eater and he's liked everything I've made out of that book!!

    BUT I will tell you, it is still hard work and you do have to work at liking some healthy foods and portion management. Portion size is a really big deal so watch that as well.

    Good luck and dont resign yourself! You AND your daughter are worth it!!!

    If you need a friend, you can add me!!!
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    I'm a pretty picky eater myself. And of course all the "good" stuff is good because it's loaded with cals, fat, sugar, whatever. I just decided to branch out and just start trying new things. I'm using the show Take Home Chef as inspiration and trying some of the recipes he does. There's also a website my hubby's friend introduced us to that has some awesome recipes: There's an awesome tilapia recipe we just tried a couple days ago (trying to like fish is one of my "branching out" attempts). We both loved it so much, we made it 2 days in a row! If you don't like eating veggies plain, or want to cut down on the butter/salt/whatever you normally put on them, try mixing them into things. When we make pasta, I'm always mixing in broccoli, or zucchini, or yellow squash, or something to add the veggies but "hide" them in the good stuff. :) Good luck! You can do it!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    I would say to pick 7-14 healthy foods you like, and then rotate those. Some trial and error may be in order.

    Have you tried Weight Watchers? They have the old core foods list that allows you to eat as much as you want from that list. Here's an article that may be helpful:

    You can also Google "WW Core List" and different articles come up.

    Please don't give up! You CAN find a way to eat and exercise regularly that works for you and helps you achieve your goals.
  • punkindoesit
    punkindoesit Posts: 21 Member
    I first want to start out by saying... HANG IN THERE!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! I like to look at things as it doesn't matter what did or ate yesterday... when you wake up today, it's a new day. Everyday we have a chance to make it different from what we did the last. As far as food... you can eat the same "bad" foods you like, it's just all about how you prepare them. I love chicken, burgers, steak etc... Instead of preparing them the way as before, try grilling or using a george foreman grill that gets rid of a lot of the fat and grease but leaves it tasting awesome!! To add taste and volume to veggies, grill them. I cut up some yellow squash, zucchini and green peppers, tossed in a little extra virgin olive oil, salt'/pepper and threw them on the grill. They were super yummy. Try different types of fish. I LOVE tiplapia (it's a very mild, non-fishy fish) and also tastes great grilled.

    I understand what you're going through... i'm there too. I want to be able to chase my kiddos and not be fat. I graduated high school in 1998 and I've gained 120 pounds and I'm sick of it. WE can do this... Let's make a promise that from this moment on... we will NOT let food control us, but we will control it!!! Hang in there and let me know if I can be of any help. I just started my change this week and already feel great.

    Lecia :wink:
  • Menene
    Menene Posts: 121 Member
    I have Hypothyroidism and I know how you feel. I gained a lot of weight before Iwas diagnosed and have tried for many year to shed the weight. but i would quit after a few week because i didn't see results. With this web site you will see results by counting your calories. You will also be surprised how you will learn there are healthy food out there that you will love. You will also surprise at how easy it is to incoperate your favorite food in your calories counting.

    You can do it, You've come to the right place.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    It might be good to know what are some of the foods you like. A lot of favorite dishes can be modified for more healthier alternatives. Also, one thing I've learned is that some foods we healthy foods we dislike (in particular, vegetables) is due to how poorly they were prepared the first few times we had them. A change in cooking technique combined iwth use of the right seasonings might make something more palatable. It's not necessarily taste, as texture is a factor in how we determine what we like or dislike.
  • oxlovemexo
    oxlovemexo Posts: 11
    Thank you guys sooo much. Just from reading your responses I'm motivated to try something new TONIGHT for dinner. I'm not sure what... but I'm leaning towards some veggies on the grill. I don't really like fish... but maybe I'll try some tilapia. I've "resigned" myself to trying new things. lol :)
  • oxlovemexo
    oxlovemexo Posts: 11
    I hear what you are saying... I don't like veggies cooked plain... I have to add a TON of butter to them... making them just as unhealthy as the stuff we have with them... I'm going to try some other seasonings other than butter.
  • sheree1984
    sheree1984 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't give up sweetie!! Think about your daughter and your ultimate goal... visualize it and you will be able to attain it. I love fatty foods too and sometimes I cave in too, but when I do cave in and have some chocolate I make sure to go extra hard in the gym. Work out, drink lots of water and believe me, your cravings for all those 'bad' foods will diminish. You can do this!!!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    friend me / check out my diary!!!

    I felt the same way until I woke up and felt like a ton...(I was 414pounds)
    So, I came to the conclusion that food is for nurishment....If I wanted to indulge (alittle) I have to excersize more/drink more h2o....
    But I will not deprive myself....take alittle and walk away - do something to distract yourself from it.......
    before you know it you wont be touching it at all....

    I always ask myself am I hungry??
    Did I eat 20minutes or less already...
    I always have a protein bar in my bag - so I have something to nibble on
    ( So, I dont get starved and eat everything in sight later)

    If you want it - you'll do it.... slow and steady....
    You can do it!!!

    Take care, Joey
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I hear what you are saying... I don't like veggies cooked plain... I have to add a TON of butter to them... making them just as unhealthy as the stuff we have with them... I'm going to try some other seasonings other than butter.

    Have you tried the spray butters?? Love that!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Don't give up sweetie!! Think about your daughter and your ultimate goal... visualize it and you will be able to attain it. I love fatty foods too and sometimes I cave in too, but when I do cave in and have some chocolate I make sure to go extra hard in the gym. Work out, drink lots of water and believe me, your cravings for all those 'bad' foods will diminish. You can do this!!!!

    Love the pic with you and your daughter!!!
  • oxlovemexo
    oxlovemexo Posts: 11
    What are spray butters? Are they healthier or something?
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I first want to start out by saying... HANG IN THERE!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! I like to look at things as it doesn't matter what did or ate yesterday... when you wake up today, it's a new day. Everyday we have a chance to make it different from what we did the last. As far as food... you can eat the same "bad" foods you like, it's just all about how you prepare them. I love chicken, burgers, steak etc... Instead of preparing them the way as before, try grilling or using a george foreman grill that gets rid of a lot of the fat and grease but leaves it tasting awesome!! To add taste and volume to veggies, grill them. I cut up some yellow squash, zucchini and green peppers, tossed in a little extra virgin olive oil, salt'/pepper and threw them on the grill. They were super yummy. Try different types of fish. I LOVE tiplapia (it's a very mild, non-fishy fish) and also tastes great grilled.

    I understand what you're going through... i'm there too. I want to be able to chase my kiddos and not be fat. I graduated high school in 1998 and I've gained 120 pounds and I'm sick of it. WE can do this... Let's make a promise that from this moment on... we will NOT let food control us, but we will control it!!! Hang in there and let me know if I can be of any help. I just started my change this week and already feel great.

    Lecia :wink:
