Need to lose my freshman 30!

Hi everyone, my name is Evelina. I'm 21 years old and just finished my 3rd year of college. I'm 5'7" and used to be a really fit 127 pounds. I loved my life and was active. Unfortunately things have changed and I've become less active and my weight has slowly creeped up to 162 pounds. I'm looking to get back to my pre-college, athletic body and could use any support I can get! I'm currently working full time at a desk job, so I would love if other working students could reach out!

xoxo Evelina


  • fastsloth21
    fastsloth21 Posts: 12 Member
    I feel the struggle! I'm working a desk job this summer too and gained about a freshman 20 or so.

    I'm 5'2'', 150 lbs (well now 147.8), and looking to go down to 120!

    Feel free to add me - I added too many people today (I think the limit is 25 haha) :)
  • KiwiMellow
    KiwiMellow Posts: 154 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm in the same boat (I even want to lose the same amount)! I just started today because I'm very tired of my college weight as well (I'm looking to go down to 136 for now and then reevaluate from there). Feel free to add although I'm technically a postbacc student.
  • ternacious
    ternacious Posts: 16 Member
    Belatedly gained the weight I missed in college during the last 2 years sitting in front of a computer all day for grad school and putting work before life. Oops. Now I'm aiming for 130. Feel free to add me too!
  • EFB812
    EFB812 Posts: 3 Member
    I managed to avoid the Freshman 15 in college, but gained it during my first year at a desk job. I feel you guys!