Started 1 month ago...

So the past three years of my life, I've been in college; I'm a rising senior now who went through a lot of depression and anxiety and addiction.

When the summer started, I realized that alot of these stem from my lack of self-confidence (which is partially due to how I look or atleast how I feel I look). So I set out to finally begin my own diet and exercise program to lose weight.

I started on May 26th with a restricted diet of high protein, medium carbs, low fat and low sugar and a caloric intake of ~1200. My starting weight was 188-190; today, I weight about 179 Ibs so I've definitely made a lot of progress. On top of my diet, I also do crossfit 5x/week. I'm about 5 feet 7 inches and am turning 21 in about 4 months.

Recently I looked into supplements to help with the next month of my weight loss journey. My ultimate goal is to be 155-160 Ibs and LEAN AS HELL. I am going to be taking the C4 Ripped with Cutting Formula (thermogenic for fat burning) and also Cellucor Alpha Amino PostWorkout Recovery. I start that tomorrow...

Has anyone has experience with the above supplements, and if so, how have they worked for you?

Is there any advice, motivation, success stories, etc that you could leave with me.

The last thing I want is to get demotivated by slow results; I know the results will come, attested by my last month. But I just need to ensure that this time around, I stick with my plan. Thanks for reading!


  • pznatti
    pznatti Posts: 51 Member
    Hi sweets... I don't have a good answer to your question but might suggest renaming it: Supplements Question or some such so more people see it and know what it's about.

    Great start love!
  • adityashah94
    adityashah94 Posts: 13 Member
    thank you! :)