Intro about me. ...31. 5'3 .female... need to lose over 100 pounds...

Hi, I am looking to lose over 100 pounds. I had an old account on here that I deleted cause I wasn't taking this that seriously and got discouraged but now I know this is something I can't give up on. With all honesty, "I'm fat and miserable".... I had a nice body as a teen and through years of illness and strife I put on over 100 pounds. I think for awhile I was blinded by the woman in the mirror, I almost didn't believe it was me. I look great in my profile pic cause its all the right angles and lighting but someone had posted a photo of me on my facebook and my heart sank.. Who is that girl???? Oh gosh I wanted to delete my account cause of how embarrassed I was of myself. I know it's real sad that I have no confidence in my own skin but it's something I can't help.
I got back from vacation over a week ago and when i went there i was 247 pounds, i got back weighing 260! my ankles and legs were swollen i was mortified! It gave me a wake up call and for the past week I have been dieting and got down to 245 already. I work out everyday for 30-45 min on my elliptical and calorie count on here. I am addicted to food so its also a battle i am dealing with. I don't want to end up bigger then i already am, and want to start feeling better as well as looking better, I want to fit into all those cute clothes, i want to enjoy having people take pictures of me. I want to do so much and feel so much, cause right now i feel like i'm in someone eles's body..
anyways im looking for some friends who need to lose 100 pounds as well. I'm a great supported and i don't judge.
peace, love and light


  • DrGM42
    DrGM42 Posts: 32 Member
    Great post. I feel that way too. I lost >60 lbs, gained most of it back, and I just want to go back in time! I totally understand the feeling of being in someone else's body! I'm a good supporter too - no judgement here. Just support. Feel free to add me.
  • trainerjess32go
    trainerjess32go Posts: 8 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi there! I understand your struggle. Please feel free to add me, I'd love to help. You can do this, you're already succeeding! It is worth it.
  • brandiofLA
    brandiofLA Posts: 16 Member
    I feel you. I had issues at work, stress ate and shot up to 243. I'm just trying to get through it one meal at a time. Happy to cheer you on in this.
  • ShrinkingStargazer
    ShrinkingStargazer Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks i will add you