Half Marathon Runners?

msstatz Posts: 163 Member

A friend and I are signing up for a half marathon sometime late summer/early fall. I found/made a training schedule that I plan to use, but I would like to talk with others who are also training for a half marathon. Please let me know if you are interested in starting a group for those training for a half marathon.



  • judogrrl
    judogrrl Posts: 6
    Just did my half marathon last Saturday. I trained with the Hal Higdon novice program.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i train for halfs, one each month using the runnersworld.com smart trainer. it is a great program and fits well into any schedule but prepares you well.

    good luck!
  • dawnstl
    dawnstl Posts: 91
    Hi! I've run several half marathons. Getting ready to run the Rock 'n Roll San Diego next weekend. Then St. Louis Rock 'n Roll half in October.

    Good luck to you!!
  • rizzle1986
    rizzle1986 Posts: 6
    Hi there!

    I ran my first half in February, and plan on doing another one in October, and my first full in January. I can't wait! I'd love to start a group for half-ers!
  • bertnkathy
    bertnkathy Posts: 1
    I also completed my Half Marathon May 1st using the Hal Higdon Half Marathon training schedule. Here's the link: http://www.halhigdon.com/halfmarathon/ It is great!!
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    I have done 4 1/2's in the last year. Mostly a fast walker, slow jogger...but Love it!!!
  • msstatz
    msstatz Posts: 163 Member
    That is pretty much the plan I am using. I just moved things around so that Mondays and Saturdays are my rest days. Do you have any advice/tips for those who are just beginning? How far were you running before you started this program? Just curious.

    Congrats on your half marathon!
  • pbolton16
    pbolton16 Posts: 87
    Just ran one a couple of weeks ago and will be doing some more races this upcoming year so yes I will want in any group.
    Hope your training goes well. Looking to share and learn as well
  • sarahkbarnes
    I LOVE half-marathon. Best. Distance. Ever.

  • msstatz
    msstatz Posts: 163 Member
    That is pretty much the plan I am using. I just moved things around so that Mondays and Saturdays are my rest days. Do you have any advice/tips for those who are just beginning? How far were you running before you started this program? Just curious.

    Congrats on your half marathon!
    This was in responce to judogrll. :)

    Glad to see so many halfers! :) Hopefully we will be able to share some tips and secrets with each other.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm starting my training for my first half in June.. the race is the end of September!!!! I'm excited, nervous.. whatever, I know I can do it! I only started running one year ago, and just did my first 10k a couple weeks ago! Running is awesome... crazy, but awesome. I also use the runnersworld smartcoach app on my phone. It's easy and really works!
  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    I'm currently training for a half, but I don't have one that I'm registered to run. I live in a rural area, so halfs are hard to come by. I am just running a lot and not really following any sort of program at the moment. I ran the Crim 10 run last August and plan on doing that again this August. I'd love to hear what others are doing to train.