ladies- Q- menstruation time???

Hello all ypu lovely ladies out there. Hoping for dome advice and help. I'm 3 weeks into my diet and doing really well up until yesterday afternoon. I'm feeling extremely emotional and craving carbs and chocolate. I caved in last night, and although I counted and tracked, I'd like some tips (if any) to overcome this time. What do you do to get through pre menstrual /menstrual time????


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    fit it into your goals, prelog your day and fill it with protein and fat to make sure you feel fuller longer...and make room for it.

    there is nothing wrong with chocolate (which is full of carbs) I eat chocolate every night pretty much and have for almost 2 years.

  • flitterfoot
    flitterfoot Posts: 54 Member
    Try a good high cocoa percentage dark chocolate for the chocolate cravings. I usually need a lot less of it than milk to satisfy my cravings.

    Sorry I cant help with the carbs, I don't normally have a problem with them. It's chocolate all the way for me.

    I personally find that if I'm craving something really bad I have to give in to it or I'll end up eating everything else trying to distract myself. On really bad days I find it better to eat at maintenance rather than beat myself up over it.
  • lizzieh8604
    lizzieh8604 Posts: 4 Member
    I am also a chocolate addict. :) I have found something that works for me. I buy Hershey kisses and usually always keep them around. That way I don't feel deprived and when I crave it (which most of the time is every day) I will eat 3 or 4 and that usually helps. That way I am not eating a whole candy bar, cake, etc.
  • Thank you so much for your replies ladies
  • bluejennn
    bluejennn Posts: 25 Member
    I know exercise is also supposed to help with cramps, but I have a hard time getting to the gym during that time. :(
  • MissAmyx
    MissAmyx Posts: 48 Member
    I buy those like 'share pack' 'family pack' bags of chocolates you know the sort i mean? like the mini versions of chocolate bars, instead of eating a full sized chocolate bar for about 300cals to get my chocolate fix i can just eat one of those little chocolate bars for 50cals it helps curb my chocolate cravings and helps me stay under my daily calories :)
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I think that overall, my menstrual symptoms have improved a great deal with lots of daily exercise. IMO it does help with cramps. I too tend to crave the not so great foods and feel more hungry than usual. I don't have a profound answer for you; I try not to eat much in the way of carbs anyway so I just say no, but there's nothing wrong with having some chocolate if that makes you happy. Just work it into your goals like everything else and try not to be too hard on yourself.
  • jumblejups
    jumblejups Posts: 150 Member
    Another one who craves chocolate and gets hungrier, although this happens to me during ovulation as opposed to actual TOM (as do all the moods and crankiness and even cramps... :/ ).

    I don't keep a lot of snacks in the house for me - not to be miserably restrictive, I just don't snack often - so when that time hits and I'm snacky and hungry there isn't a lot of choice for me! If I want popcorn I have to make it myself so I'll just make a single portion (~17-20g), whereas I could easily eat a large bag of ready popped corn in one sitting. I don't keep milk chocolate in the house, just dark chocolate, as it's more satisfying, plus I have sachets of hot chocolate and mini ice creams. I find these hit the spot and as it comes as a single serve it keeps everything in line.

    I also eat greater volumes of lower cal food if I'm really hungry. Lots of vegetables with lots of Quorn, for instance, low cal but very filling and better than inhaling chocolate.

    And then sometimes I just give in to the weird stuff. Last month it was rice topped with melted cheese and swimming in gravy... my husband looked like he wanted to puke... :D
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I just eat enough bulky low-cal stuff that I have room in my diet for a few yums. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I have to pig out. :)

    Exercise DOES help A LOT with cramps, BTW. It's pretty brutal getting started, but your body will thank you.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    kleighjen wrote: »
    I know exercise is also supposed to help with cramps, but I have a hard time getting to the gym during that time. :(
    who ever said lied thru their teeth
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    jumblejups wrote: »
    Another one who craves chocolate and gets hungrier, although this happens to me during ovulation as opposed to actual TOM (as do all the moods and crankiness and even cramps... :/ ).

    OMG - I thought I was the only one! I also get these cravings during ovulation, and not during menstruation! During menstruation, I actually feel like eating LESS. It's so strange.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited June 2015
    I have one extra hungry day usually. I eat 100-200 calories more.
    A piece of dark chocolate not a giant bag of chocolate.
    Drinking water
    Vitamins and minerals
    Soak in a hot bath... Maybe with epsom salt added.
    Enough sleep
  • tesemarie
    tesemarie Posts: 37 Member
    edited June 2015
    Here's my fix for my chocolate/sweets cravings. I eat this almost every day too for a snack when my kids nap :). (and I'm down 34.4 in 4 months as a reference)...

    1 frozen banana (just cut in in 1 inch sections and then freeze. I do 7 or 8 of them at a time and freeze in separate ziplock bags).
    Chop it up in a food processor until very small chunks...(it's loud but worth it!

    Then add:
    1-2 tsp cocoa
    1 tablespoon of pb2 (dehydrated peanut butter. If you don't like peanut butter stuff you certainly don't need it...
    1/8ish cup milk or milk substitute

    Blend it all up! It'll be the consistence of ice cream! It's amazing and you can eat all of it for under 175 calories.

    Also keeping up with your exercise. I usually have to force myself out the door to walk at the time of the month, but I find that exercise really curbs my cravings! Best wishes!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I think that overall, my menstrual symptoms have improved a great deal with lots of daily exercise. IMO it does help with cramps. I too tend to crave the not so great foods and feel more hungry than usual. I don't have a profound answer for you; I try not to eat much in the way of carbs anyway so I just say no, but there's nothing wrong with having some chocolate if that makes you happy. Just work it into your goals like everything else and try not to be too hard on yourself.

    Daily exercise and lowering carbs also decreasing my premenstrual food cravings.

    I do eat (small amounts of high quality) chocolate because I like it, but chocolate cravings can also be a sign of a magnesium deficiency:
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    fit it into your goals, prelog your day and fill it with protein and fat to make sure you feel fuller longer...and make room for it.

    there is nothing wrong with chocolate (which is full of carbs) I eat chocolate every night pretty much and have for almost 2 years.

    This. Also, I avoid the scale until my period is over. I usually gain 2-5lbs of water weight.
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    I usually just drank water or fit it in.

    Pm Sunday I will be starting BC and I won't get my period for 3 months so we shall see how this goes....
  • rumijs
    rumijs Posts: 218 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    fit it into your goals, prelog your day and fill it with protein and fat to make sure you feel fuller longer...and make room for it.

    there is nothing wrong with chocolate (which is full of carbs) I eat chocolate every night pretty much and have for almost 2 years.

    This. If I feel a potential crash time coming on (extra stress or whatever) then I prelog foods to see exactly where I can eat a little extra sugar or carbs and not completely undo a week's worth of work. I don't always get cravings but if it seems to be a bad day for them I'll just up my calories for the day and make sure to at least eat healthy foods. Lots of fruit and veggies. Then maybe cave to a little chocolate. I find that the cravings usually stem from overall hunger. My body's metab is a little different that day than a typical day so I listen to my body and feed it a little more. Better than breaking down and eating a carton of icecream in one sitting ;)
  • Great thank you for all your advice and support
  • karenflrz
    karenflrz Posts: 13 Member
    I'm there with you! I'm going to try a black bean brownie recipe I found on youtube!9
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    Good for you for logging it :) I make room in my log every day for something sweet. It might be a big cal thing (like that boston cream pie I made the other day) or a small cal thing (a little vanilla pudding with whipped cream or a Tootsie Pop). Fudgesicles are good too. Unlike an earlier poster, I don't buy the family size bags of goodies because I won't stop myself at one serving... on that same note, I don't buy hershey's kisses either because I'm a chocolate NUT and I learned that if I buy good, handmade chocolate, one piece satisfies me instead of half a bag of kisses.