New & Slowly Losing...


Hello everyone,

I'm Maria, and I'm recently new to I'm using this helpful site and currently doing the weight watchers plan in conjunction to this. I wanted to be able to calculate the calories that was possibly intaking daily. I have been using this for about 10 days now and I've only lost 1.8 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I now weight because I weigh 340.2 lbs. It is very discouraging to see how very slowly I'm losing weight. Since April 6, I have only lost a total of 7.4 lbs. I have more than 100 lbs. to lose to be at a healthy weight for my height and age. I don't do a lot of exercise, because I am so tired sometimes after work. Does anyone out there have any pointers or considerations on my predicament that they could share with me. I'm so desperate to lose this weight, and I just don't want to give up because I yearn to lose it so much. I want to be healthy and look and feel better about myself! Thanks for reading this post and for any help and encouragement you might send my way. :heart:


  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    You don't have to do a lot of exercise, just do something :) One pound a week is still a pretty successful weight loss trend. More than how many calories - watch where the calories are coming from too! Avoid salty, processed foods, starches, and even too much fruit can slow your progress! Drink lots of water! Just stick with it though, it will come. That's what I am telling myself every day.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Welcome, Maria! :flowerforyou:

    MFP is a great place for motivation, support, and education for your new healthy lifestyle! First, BRAVO for beginning!!!! :drinker: That's not an easy step to make. Second, 7.4lbs is NOTHING to scoff about! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

    I know it seems overwhelming and monstrous, like you'll never get there, but DON'T GIVE UP. You definitely won't get there if you don't keep going. When I started, I had to stop beating myself up for not doing more, not lasting for 60 mins of cardio, not being able to lift X amount of lbs, eating pizza instead of a salad...STOP THAT RIGHT NOW! When I stopped being angry at myself for every "bad" food or decision is when I started losing weight. I was able to focus on myself and what I accomplished instead of what I didn't. I started small, like eating 2 veggies everyday or walking 1 mile 3 times a week and I had to be okay with that being all I could handle at the time. Don't try to overhaul everything at once, it's too much to do in one fell swoop.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I hope you have a wonderful, healthy day!
  • wendyprofit
    Hi Maria, don't worry, I was doing this for about 10 days too before I started noticing a change in my weight. I was discouraged and pissed off, I stopped eating pizza for this?! The first thing it did is change the way I eat by watching my calorie intake. So I'm laying off the cheese now and I quickly realized most of my "extra" calories came from all the wine I drink (smile) so I had to cut WAY back on drinking. I use 1 teaspoon of sugar in my tea instead of steps. Then I learned that if I walk, and I mean even at a slow pace for 30 minutes (like during my lunch break), I could "earn" myself an extra glass of wine at the end of the day. And I switched to dry champagne because it's the lowest in carbs and calories and Barefoot Bubbly only costs about $8 a bottle. So the exercise became the means to the end for me and that is what finally got me moving. I'm also tired after work but I joined a gym anyway and even if I only do a few minutes on the stationary bike, it makes a difference. You will burn some calories so be gentle with yourself and do what feels right and remember the bottom line is no matter how good you eat, the weight isn't coming off unless you exercise. Sometimes I'll just ride my bike around the neighborhood for a while, you'd be surprised what a difference it makes. This was a hard truth for me and I still need to exercise more, and I try, a little every day. I've now lost 10 lbs and I have at least another 20-25 to go to get into a normal range for my height. So start with a walk and go get a breath of fresh air! Breath deeply and with every step feel the power you have to make a change. Soon you'll be power walking and you won't trade that 30 minutes for anything. Good luck!
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    The people on the Biggest Loser have trainers and special diets to lose weight as fast as they do. On your own, losing 1-2lbs a week is pretty successful. Sometimes I only lose 0.5 lb in a week, and I'm happy with that as long as the weight keeps coming off. It took me a long time to get where I am, so it will take a while for me to get back down to where I want to be. Welcome to MFP!
  • LourdesitaMaria
    LourdesitaMaria Posts: 58 Member
    Thank you guys for all of your encouragement and positive thoughts. They really help! Please add me as a friend and we can lend each other encouragement on our journeys. God knows mine will be a looooooooooooooong one...but I'm up for the long and arduous day at a step at a time...and one bite at a time! :happy: