Gluten Free / Paleo Eating

Hello, I'm new and have to follow a gluten free, low carb, Paleo food plan and would appreciate any suggestions.

I have 50 lbs to lose and experience several joint challenges (fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, etc).

:# Excited


  • nanniek1
    nanniek1 Posts: 10 Member
    Read, read, read. I scoured the library and the internet for Paleo books and sites. Pinterest even has great Paleo recipes. The first 2 weeks I utilized Paleo meal plans and then ventured out. We add veggies to every meal, including breakfast (egg scrambles or yam and egg scrambles). If hungry between meals we eat almonds or pepitas. Have not introduced Paleo flours (coconut, almond, etc.) into our first two months of Paleo eating, afraid we will crave coconut pancakes with lots of butter. With the help of MFP, I document my 1200cal/day. Lost 12# first month and haven't touched sugar for 2 months. Good luck and stay strong. After 2 weeks the cravings go away.