Anyone have advice to make this work?

I'm really just getting started but I've been doing this faithfully for a few weeks now I've been pretty good about sticking to my calorie goals but haven't lost anything. Looking for friends top keep me motivated and advice on how to change things up and see results. Thanks!


  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    1) If you are not doing so already, use a food scale and weigh all of your food.
    2) Use a food scale
    3) Log ALL of your food
    4) If you want successful and experienced people to give you advice you will need to make your diary public.
    5) Did I mention that you need to use a food scale?
    6) Be consistent and realistic in your expectations. You don't have that much to loose. 2 pounds a week is not a good choice of goals for you.
    7) Don't cheat on yourself. No cheat days.
    8) Enjoy all things in moderation rather than trying to be so restrictive that you develop cravings.
    9) Have I mentioned that you should weigh all of your food?
    10) Log all of your food in your diary every day and be honest about it.

    Pretty much that.

    It does work. But it requires effort, patience and being very honest with yourself.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Don't quit. Sounds obvious, right, but literally the only way to fail at this is to quit. Everything else you can figure out along the way.
  • debbieremsen
    debbieremsen Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks. I really wrestled with that thought last night. I was hungry and the lack of results wasn't motivating to keep this up. I didn't though. I really do want to make this work.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    You can make it work. This is going to be a slow process though. You need to understand that. You need to share your diary with at least your friends so people can give advice.

    How much per week are you aiming for? With only 23 to lose you should not be going for more than .5 pounds. If you are trying to do a bigger deficit/loss this could be what is making it so hard for you. Or perhaps you just need some help with choosing foods that satisfy you better. We don't know because you are not currently sharing that information.

    Being a little hungry is something you just learn to live with. But if you want to chew your own arm off beyond the first couple of weeks, you probably need to adjust some things.
  • hutchin88
    hutchin88 Posts: 83 Member
    Sometimes it takes the body a few weeks to catch on! I added a brisk walk to my routine , and I started to see results.

    Don't quit! You will start to see results. Be very diligent to log every thing you eat and add some activity, and it will happen.

    Good luck!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    just read the sexy pants link and focus on accurate consistent deficits.
  • hutchin88
    hutchin88 Posts: 83 Member
    Also, I agree with shadowfax, you shouldn't be super hungry continually after the first week or two. You may need more of a balance in your food choices.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Stop thinking of it as a diet and just start making slow changes to your life style in a positive direction. First is of course logging all your food accurately with a food scale. Then maybe add in a little bit of exercise to your daily routine even if it's just 20-30 min of walking the dog. Gradually start making healthier food choices. Stop resticting yourself so much that quiting is an option that comes to mind. You have to feel good about what you're doing. Do it one day at a time. Maintain your deficit over a period of time and you will start seeing results. And if you can afford it i found activity monitors to be very motivating. They make you want to get off your butt when you see just how lazy you actually are.
  • debbieremsen
    debbieremsen Posts: 3 Member