Terrible binge day rant

Ugh.. Today was bad.. 5500+ calorie bad. I hate this. Every single time I notice a new bone I couldn't see before or every time I notice I'm starting to look just a little better I go and binge. Why?! I hate it... Its not controllable either. It sounds weird but at the time I totally rationalize it "well, its better I eat all this now so all the sugar is out of the house and I won't be tempted tomorrow" or "hey, whats one bad day gonna do? I'm doing an awesome job!" Its not about the food either because my binge consisted of everything from peas to bananas to chocolate to yogurt. Eating until I feel like puking.

now I sit here miserable And fat as ever WITH A BOWL OF FOOD ON MY LAP! I know it makes me miserable yet I'm still eating.

Ugh.. Today was a BAD day. I dont know why I do this.


  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    I have no idea what advise I could offer I'm sorry.
    I sometimes rationalise things the same way! I have often found myself binging on naughty foods, my thinking if I treat myself on one day it'll be ok because it's only one day and once it's gone it's gone!

    Mines linked to my mood though, if I'm having a bad day I'll be more likely to reach for the naughty stuff.

    I hope you manage to overcome this, Im trying to find a way, sheer willpower is all I have. My lapses have lessened, its happening less often. I'm hoping one day it'll just not happen!

    Hugs to you x
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I know where you're coming from.

    For me it seems to be a fear of things going to waste. I hate throwing food away and get really cross when I see things like (saw this last night) my housemate throwing full spears of asparagus away.

    So I have to eat stuff. There's a limit to what I can make to freeze, and having made cakes and biscuits for a party at the weekend I'm now left BEGGING my housemates to take them to work to give away to their work colleagues!!!

    I find I can get a good week where I am eating my goal, and then the next week I am hungry. This makes me wonder if I - and perhaps you - are not eating enough and your targets are set too high? I feel like my body can cope with less food for a few days and then gets hungry and insists on eating tons of stuff. It isn't even as if the bar of chocolate tastes nice!!!

    Have you been eating well before this binge? Have you been eating too little?
  • punkrockmama
    punkrockmama Posts: 142 Member
    Honestly, if I'm not careful, I'll binge eat. So now I refuse to let any if my weaknesses in the house. I male sure to eat a protein packed breakfast, and I get on MFP when I start feeling angst-y. Some people benefit from talk therapy, if you think it's a problem. Or maybe you could talk to your husband about your goals and needs? My husband is my best support network and there to help gently remind me of my goals.
    Good luck! And remember you're not in this alone! We're all here for you!!!!
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Thanks guys. I appreciate your input. I wish I knew what drive me to the food in times when I should be happy

  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    Hiya :)

    I can be a binge-er too if I'm not careful. I'm very bad at craving high calorie/ high carb foods at night after dinner!!

    I've basically had to re-train my brain to change my bad eating habits. One of the big changes I've made is making sure I'm eating as close to my calorie allowance as much as possible, because if I'm depriving myself then my body will send messages to my brain, elling it that I need to eat more!!

    I hope you don't mind, but I checked your food diary and I've noticed that on quite a lot of days, you're quite a few hundred calories UNDER your allowance. Really its best that you eat as many exercise calories back as you can.

    Try using higher calore, but healthy foods like oils, dressings (home made if poss), avocados, nuts/ seeds/ dried fruit or anything else thats natural but good fat/ protien/ carb dense!! Also I've been trying to spread out my calories evenly throughout the day a bit more,

    I used to have a very bad habit of skipping brekkie and snacking all the way up until diner time, then having a huge meal a couple of hours before bedtime!! Which is one of the reasons I now have forty or fifty lbs to loose to get back to a healthy weight!!

    I know its difficult when fitting eating/ planning/ shopping/ prepping, in around home life/ work life/ social life etc, but anything you can do to improve will make a big difference!

    Hope this helps :)

    best of luck

    Ales xx
  • repochick
    repochick Posts: 40 Member
    that was me today too. I am so stressed out about my 5 yr old daughter having surgery next Wednesday that I have done nothing but eat the past 3 days. Today was the worst. I ate over my calories and did nothing for exercise. (I did a tour of a fitness center but didn't stay to work out) Just gotta get back on track. I have gained 3 lbs and I was 2 away from 20 lbs. Just try to remember tomorrow is a new day and we can't go back but always move forward. Good luck!!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    ... Every single time I notice a new bone I couldn't see before or every time I notice I'm starting to look just a little better I go and binge.

    Given this statement, I'm going to suggest that it's not at all about the rationalisations you're using to eat. It sounds more like you're subconsciously sabotaging your successes.

    I may be way out in left field, but it sounds as if somewhere in your head there's a voice saying you don't deserve the success.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    now I sit here miserable And fat as ever WITH A BOWL OF FOOD ON MY LAP! I know it makes me miserable yet I'm still eating.

    Ugh.. Today was a BAD day. I dont know why I do this.

    It seems to me it would be a good thing to find out. I would highly recommend some type of counseling or even OA. If you are sabotaging your efforts there is probably a reason. If I were you I would consider it a great investment of time & money to explore the why's behind it. I wish you the best!