Starting my 100lb weight loss.

i used to be small now I'm huge. I hate my body I hate how I look in anything . All this extra weight is weighing me down from being out there and social like I always used to be.....planet fitness and healthy foods is all I'm about now. 1..2..3..go!


  • TamTamRine13
    TamTamRine13 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome! I just joined for the third time again. I'm in the same boat with the 100lb weight loss, used to be smal too. So frustrating. Staying positive through your journey and being accountable will help you stay on track. Feel free to add me for support and motivation. You got this!
  • thedunston
    thedunston Posts: 1 Member
    I just started two weeks ago. My dietitian is free through my medical provider and she has access to my MyFitnessPal food diary. She checks it, provides comments, and likes the progress I'm making. My wife is very supportive and encouraging, and we are both thinking before buy food and stay with the single serving or generally about 1 cup of food and my goal is 2200 calories.

    My issues started with treatment for sleep apnea, which has changed my outlook on everything for the better, including how I treat my body after years of really, really bad sleeping patterns. I sleep at night restfully, my metabolism is good, I walk every day for 30 to 45 minutes. When I couldn't make it to the gym for two days, I got out our stepping stool and did step exercises for about 10 minutes - it is tougher than it sounds and a great workout - or walked around the block a few times.

    Two weeks later, I've lost 22lbs. I know water weight and things, but it is 22lbs less of it.
  • cny77guy
    cny77guy Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome to the forums, stay strong and positive. Keep that motivation.
  • shareese1989
    shareese1989 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to the app. My personal trainer suggested I download the app. I also have a goal of 100lbs to lose I use to be small but 4 kids and no active life later here I am. Good luck and come this time next year I know we both will be Beach ready!
  • chelseypatricia93
    chelseypatricia93 Posts: 2 Member
    I have 90 pounds to lose! Right there with ya :)
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome! I am going to say a good bit, and hopefully it will help you know you are not alone and that this does work!

    I have a long haul also, with an initial goal to get from 222 pounds to 150 as I could not face setting a goal to do any higher. My plan is to set a new goal once I get to 150 pounds. I used to hate keeping logs and food journals but I have found it is so easy and not a bother for me to log my food and exercise on my fitness pal, and I love the database instead of having to look through books for calorie counts and nutritional information! I have lost 20 pounds so far, been on between 70-80 days.

    When I first posted on I was depressed and got quite a few nasty responses to my post, some as messages, and I was so ready to quit the social part and just use the tool. But I have since found most people here are great, and on most days I know to just ignore any trolls. I have some really helpful and supportive friends on here, not a lot yet but they have been great! And my husband and daughter both support me in this. I am looking forward to when I have lost enough weight to step up my exercising more, although since as a nurse I have a very busy job that keeps me going.
  • kellisa9
    kellisa9 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi :) I've got a lot to chisel away at also. Keep focused we'll get there.