Seeking pals to help me stay motivated

I love my fitness pal and I would like to have more friends to help motivated. Add me please :)


  • Tootall83
    Tootall83 Posts: 1 Member
    I need motivating too!
  • lindz4ever
    lindz4ever Posts: 593 Member
    I'll add you!
  • stewandvadar
    stewandvadar Posts: 2 Member
  • Tiffanylynn1024
    Tiffanylynn1024 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm just starting my weight loss journey again for the 100th time. I have to lose about 100lbs. I'm 25 and I weight 238 and I'm 5'2". I just got married last month, now that all that stress is over with I'm looking to start over. I defiantly need the motivation because it's so easy for me to fall off the wagon. One thing that makes it hard is the fact that my husband can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound and it's not fair :/ but I'm looking to talk with people to keep me on track.